Buttons have been pushed and boundaries stretched for the Child of Saturn in 2016. What was solid and dependable has evaporated, while that which seemed preposterously implausible has come to pass. Not that you’d ever admit it, but you may feel a bit queasy on this slippery new slope. A true trigger to your patience arrives August 24-25 in the form of an angry young man or a mutiny to your authority.

A bubble bursts. The situation is both intensely personal and symptomatic of a larger dysfunction. It’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys anymore, although you study both sides on September 1-2. After September 8, a new and more balanced view emerges. You begin to assess what has been lost and what has been gained in this long process of discerning truth from fiction, reality from illusion.

Now, rather than working at cross purposes, you can start to combine creative process and practical effort, an enterprise which could take several rewarding years. Others help coordinate various projects from October 25-29. The pace of your life picks up in November with many things to be accountable for and to. Fortunately you have helpers, so utilize them. You’ll be far more effective than trying to do every last thing yourself. December can be an amazingly productive month for you. Your timing is impeccable on December 3, and you’re ready to welcome royalty on December 10. Some truly innovative concepts propel you forward at year’s end. A couple of hitches to the plan occur January 19, 2017 and again the 27th, but certainly not enough to unhinge things completely. A huge shove on March 5 helps you sail right through minor problems on March 12 and 17. Considering where you started, you’ve accomplished an amazing amount in the last several months, and now it’s time to take a rest. With the help of your Ruling Planet Saturn turning retrograde on April 5, you’ll do just that. Be sure to check back here then to see what this means for you!

by Linea Van Horn