Child of Saturn, how backwards thy Ruling Planet! From now through the end of August, Saturn makes its final retrograde loop in Sagittarius before changing signs in December 2017. Your task (should you choose to accept it) is to look back, digest and integrate the past twenty seven years (!) as you prepare for your Ruling Planet’s return to its own zodiac sign and yours – Capricorn – next year.

In the shorter term, April of this year could be a difficult month for love or money — or both. Your work obligations necessitate a painful separation. Someone’s timing is way off, meanings were misconstrued or money is mismanaged. Perhaps the time has come to apply the tough love you’ve only talked about heretofore. You know you’re right, a point confirmed for you on April 17, but that doesn’t make it any easier to finally exert your authority on April 21. That completed, you’re able to surge forward in May almost as if you’re in hyper-drive, making incredible headway and exciting discoveries. You will look back on this year as one of quantum leaps and new beginnings, and May is an integral part of its unfolding! Do not be distracted by a 95-pound weakling at the beach at the end of the month: small fry! June opens with an unusual solution to that pesky problem. What at first seems like an inconvenient intrusion on June 15 can resolve into an enlightening experience – if you allow it! July brings clear cosmic weather until the 23-24th when out of nowhere, storm clouds arise, polarization appears and divergent camps form. The rain is short-lived, however, and conditions brighten considerably in August. Those above and below you align to support you from the 13 – 22nd. Your Ruling Planet turns direct once again on August 25. Check back here then to see what this means for you!

by Linea Van Horn