Rise and Shine on Nov. 21 (you raise eyebrows by toeing the party line, but in truth you always put the interests of the group over those of the individual – including yourself), Nov. 22 (Neptune comes out of retrograde today. Revenue streams will soon be streaming again), Nov.24 (your ability to read between the lines comes in handy. You may not know what’s going on but you know enough to ask the right leading questions), Nov 27 (it’s a good time to explore refinancing, reworking your financial portfolio, and/or consolidating investments. Don’t sit on your assets), and Nov 28 (things take twice as long to complete today. Whether that’s bad timing or your growing impatience remains to be seen)

Duck and Cover on Nov 23 (a certain backseat driver is driving you nuts with the non-stop monologue.  However the directions are surprisingly spot-on), Nov. 25 (you were born under the most avant-garde sign of the zodiac. You need to be out there leading the way, not letting yourself get lost in the woodwork), and Nov. 26 (don’t dignify a moody silence with a response.  If something needs to be said, then this person must say it)