Rise and Shine on Nov 28 (things take twice as long to complete today. Whether that’s bad timing or your growing impatience remains to be seen), Dec. 1 (the time has come for big changes so you will need to be constant in your purpose.  Stay the course no matter how others beg you to back off), Dec. 2 (the only way to realize a hope is to give it the old college try), and Dec. 4 (you don’t like postponements, but postponements like you.  A delay winds up working out for you today)

Duck and Cover on Nov 29 (your schedule is getting busy again which means you could wind up burning the candle at both ends. Be proactive and crop back), Nov. 30 (this would be a good time to check out a more holistic approach to stress management), Dec. 3 (you keep going back to the big picture when colleagues are trying to get you to concentrate on a corner of it.  It can’t hurt to humor them), and Dec. 5 (just when you thought things couldn’t get loopier, guess what? Try to find the humor in the situation.  It’s not worth the angst)