Child of Saturn, this one’s for you! Your Ruling Planet is traveling through his home zodiac sign of Capricorn from now until March 2020. He was last there in 1991, which helps you appreciate the infrequency of this event. Saturn’s move through this Spartan-like sign will be an eventful ride for everyone, but particularly for you.

Watch for Saturn’s themes operating in your life during the coming months and years. You’ll adopt an increasingly serious, cautious approach. You’ll be more careful with resources, which is the true meaning of the word “conservative”. Awareness of the effects of time and gravity will literally be in your face. Consequences emerge out of past decisions, and obligations you’ve postponed or neglected come due now. Resources are gathered, as if for winter, and life seems weighty and scarce. But none is better equipped than you to matter-of-factly take this in stride and make the most out of it. If short-term ambitions are cooled due to lack of funding or over-complication (a cosmic indicator that things are not going your way), longer-term priorities can move up the attention list. Simplify? That’s obvious. Patience? You’ve got loads. The period from December 21 – 25 offers you the opportunity to seal the deal whether romantic or otherwise, provided you don’t let your inhibitions get in your way! Commitment is a Saturn principle, so if the situation or partner is right, you’re all in, and this is not something you say casually. Throughout January and February the key word is “development.” Nothing massive impedes you, so your daily work flows and extracurricular projects get the attention they’re starved for. Minor aggravations from March 10 – 13 give way to a real boost of energy, drive and purpose on March 17. However, your patience may be tested from March 28 through April 5 with a series of events regarding your father, boss, a police officer or other authority figure. Some resolution occurs by April 7. Your Ruling Planet turns retrograde on April17. Check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn