Rise and Shine on Dec. 19 (Saturn enters Capricorn for 3 years. This is the time when you truly come into your own), Dec. 20 (the return of someone from your past gives you a rare opportunity to talk about what happened. You may even be able to make amends), Dec. 22 (a side development you didn’t give much thought to winds up taking center stage. It could become so much more if you gave it your time and energy), Dec. 23 (this is a heartwarming day that will bring a smile to your soul), and Dec. 25 (the point of Christmas is to provide a haven to those who need it)

Duck and Cover on Dec 21 (financial worries weigh you down, but do they have to make you miserable right now? It’s time to be generous, not stingy), Dec 24 (be there for a friend in need and whatever you do: don’t be judgmental), and Dec. 26 (you wonder if you can keep up with your own heavy schedule. You can – but the less kvetching about it, the better)