Rise and Shine on Jan. 2 (after months of circling around like a rudderless ship, you finally find your new direction), Jan. 4 (tired of waiting on ceremony, you’ll be happy to respond to the call to action today), Jan. 6 (the solution to a longstanding problem falls into your lap), Jan. 8 (learning to work with people you would have avoided before enriches your life and broadens your horizons), and Jan. 9 (what began as a deal with the Devil is starting to look like a match made in heaven)

Duck and Cover on Jan. 3 (you won’t like having to shake hands. You still think the other party is wrong, but this is what good sportsmanship is all about), Jan. 5 (look into boosting your immunity. Deflector shields are running on auxiliary power), and Jan. 7 (honor a rule no matter how inconvenient. You never know when it will be used to protect your interests one day)