Rise and Shine on Jan. 9 (what began as a deal with the Devil is starting to look like a match made in heaven), Jan. 11 (95% of success is showing up. Sitting on the sidelines never got anyone anywhere), Jan. 15 (“need” isn’t a dirty word. It’s one of the primary reasons for why people even bond in the first place), and Jan. 16 (it looks like you’re going to reach out and that’s good. You won’t regret it)

Duck and Cover on Jan. 10 (you may not be qualified for the position, but it doesn’t mean you can’t learn. Use this setback to improve skills), Jan. 12 (you won’t win over a critic right away but you will eventually. It’s worth investing the time), Jan. 13 (are you back where you began? Maybe. But you’ve acquired experience since then and that’s never an exercise in futility), and Jan. 14 (you can’t do the relating for both sides no matter how much you want to. Listen to your partner)