Rise and Shine on Jan. 17 (Venus in Aquarius for 3 weeks brings more money into your life – and all the headaches that come along with it of course), Jan. 19 (the way that you make money could change dramatically in the next 4 weeks), Jan. 21 (tell it like it is quietly. You have the clout that makes people stop and take notice), and Jan. 23 (words are heated, but your response doesn’t have to be)

Duck and Cover on Jan. 16 (it isn’t easy being in demand, but you’re up to it), Jan. 18 (as long as you owe people then they have a say in what you do), Jan. 20 (people who are victimized often victimize in return. It’s called the tyranny of the weak and it’s something you will have to tread softly around today), and Jan. 22 (do you really want to engage in a flame war? Think of all the energy it will take to email back and forth. Skip it)