Rise and Shine on Feb. 6 (reconnecting with an old friend has never felt better), Feb. 9 (you face a touchy topic today. If anyone can look a heavy situation in the eye and tell it like it is – it’s you), Feb 10 (strength when you need it and the fortitude to push right on through), Feb. 12 (an inner shift brings a dramatic outer change), and Feb. 13 (it may feel like your life is falling apart, but it’s actually coming together – and in the most remarkable way)

Duck and Cover on Feb. 7 (asking yourself tough questions puts thoughts in order.  You may not have the answers now, but studying the bottom-line ensures you soon will), Feb. 8 (people are really riled up. They need answers; not platitudes), and Feb. 11 (something that already seemed dubious becomes even more iffy.  Back out while you can)