Rise and Shine on Feb. 20 (news on the financial front may not be great, but problems are manageable), Feb 21 (people want to give you money now. Pass around the hat), Feb. 24 (the game plan’s good but it can still be improved upon), Feb. 26 (guilt trip or temptation? It doesn’t matter which. Either strategy will work today), and Feb. 27 (it looks like you’ll land that big backer or client after all. Just make sure to get everything in writing ASAP)

Duck and Cover on Feb. 22 (thoughts and words don’t connect today. The less said, the better), Feb. 23 (a concept defies your best efforts to articulate it. Leave it be for the next 4 days and it will emerge on its own), and Feb. 25 (you have to turn to a certain someone for help out of a tough spot. Bite the bullet and do it)