Rise and Shine on March 20 (you’ve an exciting month ahead with lots of twists and turns. Eat light), March 21 (a dispute will run out of fuel given time. Don’t pour gasoline on the fire), March 26 (you finally experience that breakthrough you’ve been working for), and March 27 (you don’t like letting anyone down, but considering how demanding this person has been it can be argued that s/he is getting off easy)

Duck and Cover on March 22 (Mercury retrograde in your sign impacts you most of all. Don’t do as you say, but do as you do), March 23 (you may not have the resources to break free of a certain someone right now. Conserve strength and/or save money until you do), March 24 (yes, someone’s deliberately provoking you, but you look stronger by not responding), and March 25 (choosing the lesser of two evils has seldom been so bedeviling)