Rise and Shine on April 18 (one last hurrah before Uranus leaves Aries on May 15), April 19 (time to get down to the business at hand), April 20 (today you find a way to turn the short end of the stick to your advantage), April 23 (others have a higher opinion of you than you do nowadays. Get out of your own way and follow their lead. You’ll get somewhere), and April 24 (yes that certain someone will never be profound and deep and isn’t it nice that s/he doesn’t have to be?)

Duck and Cover onApril 17 (it’s clear that your timing is off, but it will be back on again in Sept), April 21 (you could drag things out to the bitter end, but it’s better to cut your losses while you still have nothing to lose), and April 22 (it makes sense that you’d freeze up now that you’re in the driver’s seat. Give yourself time to get the lay of the land)