Rise and Shine on May 1 (you find that new direction you’ve been looking for), May 3 (being unsinkable isn’t something to apologize for. If anything you should be proud of your indefatigability), May 5 (today you bounce back from the edge of defeat), May 7 (you finally emerge on the other side of a rough passage), and May 8 (money when you need it – but bear in mind that there are strings attached)

Duck and Cover onMay 2 (maybe the reason people aren’t answering is because they feel intimidated. Try a softer approach), May 4 (you’ve gone as far as you can go. That shouldn’t be a disappointment; it should be a challenge), and May 6 (the whole point of paying it forward is because someone did you a good deed first. Wait a little longer to see if that is truly the case)