Cosmic Alert

Cosmic Alert

Cosmic Alert!


July 27 Last Quarter Moon in Taurus You may not be out of the woods yet financially, but at least you can see the forest for the trees and that's an improvement. The last quarter Moon in Taurus on July 27th shows you making good on a debt, fulfilling an obligation, or repaying [...]

Cosmic Alert!2024-07-20T17:23:33-06:00

Cosmic Alert!


July 25 Mercury enters Virgo Mercury in Virgo is good for streamlining and editing. This will help you to identify what’s important and to offload those commitments and obligations that have outlived their purpose. You might want to invite a girlfriend over to help you clear out your closets. We can all get [...]

Cosmic Alert!2024-07-20T17:19:26-06:00

Cosmic Alert!


July 23 Sun opposite Pluto Few planetary aspects are as unforgiving as a Sun/Pluto opposition and given that this will be the first one to occur in the zodiac signs of Leo and Aquarius you can expect it to be especially powerful. Whatever thin hope you were banking on will be abruptly removed. [...]

Cosmic Alert!2024-07-20T17:17:30-06:00

Cosmic Alert!


July 22 Sun enters Leo The Sun enters Leo, the sign of the "good father", for a 4 week stay. So what does a "good father" mean nowadays? It means somebody who shows up. Even if you're not a Leo, you'll find yourself in situations where people are counting on your support, need [...]

Cosmic Alert!2024-07-20T17:09:29-06:00

Cosmic Alert!


July 21 Mars trine Pluto You'll be relentlessly driven and dead set on hitting your target when Mars in Gemini forms a trine to Pluto in Aquarius. This accentuates the air sign qualities of coaxing, cajoling, and persuading because you can't get what you want on your own; you have to work with [...]

Cosmic Alert!2024-07-20T17:07:44-06:00

Cosmic Alert!


July 20 Mars enters Gemini Mars enters Gemini on July 20th, turning up the heat on any low-burning disagreement, smoldering rivalry, or forgotten feud. You may think that you get along with everyone you meet, but Mars in the turnabout sign of the Twins will quickly disabuse you of that notion – especially [...]

Cosmic Alert!2024-07-06T14:47:18-06:00

Cosmic Alert!


July 18 Sun sextile Uranus You’re in for an unexpected surprise when a competitive sibling or judgmental relative winds up helping you out in a time of need.  Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, is famous for turning our judgments on their head.  It’s also famous for revealing sides of people that [...]

Cosmic Alert!2024-07-06T14:44:06-06:00

Cosmic Alert!


July 15 Mars conjunct Uranus Walls collapse, supports buckle, and longstanding structures are leveled when Mars conjoins Uranus. Whether this is good or bad all depends on what you think of the life you've built for yourself. Security is a funny thing. On one hand, it's the refuge we run to in times [...]

Cosmic Alert!2024-07-06T14:41:42-06:00

Cosmic Alert!


July 13 First Quarter Moon in Libra There are certain rituals and protocols that you would be wise to follow during this First Quarter Moon in Libra. Back in the day if you spoke contemptuously of a god in his temple or razed a goddess's sacred grove you could expect that there would [...]

Cosmic Alert!2024-07-06T07:57:02-06:00

Cosmic Alert!


July 12 Venus opposite Pluto Are you playing games with somebody’s heart? Is this person playing games with yours? These are questions worth asking when Venus, the planet of love and beauty, sits opposite Pluto on the cosmic seesaw. Seesaws aren’t balances, so don’t look for anything that’s fair and even-keeled. One person’s [...]

Cosmic Alert!2024-07-06T07:54:15-06:00


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