Weekly Horoscopes Intro

Weekly Horoscope: July 22 – July 28, 2024


TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY Few planetary aspects are as unforgiving as a Sun/Pluto opposition and given that the one on July 23d will be the first to occur in the zodiac signs of Leo and Aquarius you can expect it to be especially powerful. Whatever thin hope you were banking on will be [...]

Weekly Horoscope: July 22 – July 28, 20242024-07-17T14:23:39-06:00

Weekly Horoscope: July 15 – July 21, 2024


FRENEMIES Mars in Gemini stokes rivalries – the reason being that twins are siblings and sibling rivalries are the earliest form of competition. Everything you learned about winning, losing, thwarting and outwitting comes from those early years spent battling with your sibling for Mom or Dad's attention. All of this will come rushing [...]

Weekly Horoscope: July 15 – July 21, 20242024-07-09T11:43:20-06:00

Weekly Horoscope: July 8 – July 14, 2024


BEING THE BIGGER PERSON Are you playing games with somebody’s heart? Or is this person playing games with yours? These are questions worth asking when Venus, the planet of love and beauty, forms an opposition to suspicious Pluto on July 12th. An opposition is when two planets sit opposite one another on the [...]

Weekly Horoscope: July 8 – July 14, 20242024-07-04T16:39:21-06:00

Weekly Horoscope: July 1 – July 7, 2024


I WANT TO BELIEVE Hopes and wishes dissolve before your eyes when Neptune turns retrograde on July 2nd.  It's disappointing to say the least, but like all retrogrades, this is the Stars’ way of testing you to see if you are truly committed to the path you're on. The dreams you have when [...]

Weekly Horoscope: July 1 – July 7, 20242024-06-08T11:34:28-06:00

Weekly Horoscope: June 24 – June 30, 2024


SATURN RETROGRADE Every planet but the Sun and Moon turns retrograde. And when it does, that planet will act contrary to its nature. Now one would think that Saturn turning retrograde would be a good thing. Famous for being the planet of trials and tribulations, a Saturn retrograde might be considered a grace [...]

Weekly Horoscope: June 24 – June 30, 20242024-06-08T11:17:40-06:00

Weekly Horoscope: June 17 – June 23, 2024


CANCER SEASON Summer is a lullaby season. Days are long, nights are short, and you can sleep out under the Stars if you like. Everything you could possibly wish for is in reach. You can pluck fruit from the trees, pull vegetables out of the soil, or a hook a fish while lazily [...]

Weekly Horoscope: June 17 – June 23, 20242024-06-03T17:53:39-06:00

Weekly Horoscope: June 10 – June 16, 2024


JUST SAY NO Beware Ponzi schemes – or anything else that promises money for nothing and clicks for free. Things that look like they’re too good to be true often are when Venus, the planet of seduction, forms a square to Neptune, the planet of illusion on June 16th. This will be especially [...]

Weekly Horoscope: June 10 – June 16, 20242024-05-07T15:43:59-06:00

Weekly Horoscope: June 3 – June 9, 2024


BULL IN A CHINA SHOP? You make the switch from unstoppable force to immoveable object when Mars enters Taurus on June 9th. This is good if you need to stand your ground, hunker down, or push through a rough passage. Mars, the planet of strength and fortitude, is all about preservation and perseverance [...]

Weekly Horoscope: June 3 – June 9, 20242024-05-07T15:45:17-06:00

Weekly Horoscope: May 27 – June 2, 2024


IN IT TOGETHER The wonderful thing about the Jupiter/Pluto trine on June 2d is the fact that you can't succeed unless others succeed as well. This is very different from Jupiter/Pluto trines in other elements which can bring material gain, personal fame, or creative control. These are things that can benefit one person [...]

Weekly Horoscope: May 27 – June 2, 20242024-04-27T13:30:14-06:00

Weekly Horoscope: May 20 – May 26, 2024


JUPITER ENTERS GEMINI Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and higher purpose, enters the zodiac sign of Gemini on May 25th. Typically Jupiter brings a bevy of blessings and benefits to whatever sign it visits, but not with Gemini. Indeed Jupiter in the zodiac sign of the Twins conditions its rewards based on [...]

Weekly Horoscope: May 20 – May 26, 20242024-05-20T10:37:58-06:00


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