You’re entering what could be a very productive period, Child of Mars. Your Ruling Planet is cruising through the industrious, practical zodiac sign of Taurus from now until April 21. During this time, you’re exchanging your usual swiftness for greater endurance.

You won’t be the fastest boat out of the harbor in the morning, but you’ll be the last one to come home at night. And you’ll have the biggest haul. Of the best fish. And there you go! Your best strategy during this time, and an important lesson in general for the Child of Mars, is to pace yourself. Be selective about where to invest your energy, and don’t spend it all at once. Instead of tackling yet another new project this month, resurrect things that are already underway and move them forward. You could find yourself excited about such a project on March 27. Follow it through and on April 5 you’ll have a stunning breakthrough. Your contributions in early April will have consequences far beyond your expectations, and your efforts may well surpass you. Don’t shirk at the important task before you, Child of Mars! On April 21, your Ruling Planet moves into the next sign. Check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn