As Mercury retrogrades back into Libra, your attention shifts away from the dark passages of your soul to the balancing act of partnership. 
This year’s shelter-in-place order was either the most romantic of conditions or the most isolating. You’ll discover a new sense of gratitude for partnership at this time, ready to take a risk for something deeper and more satisfying. If you’re just starting a relationship, stay safe and self-isolate between dates! 😉
Though you may feel the lovie-dovies and a strong sense of commitment right now, cautiously avoid signing contracts of the legal partnership sort until after November 3rd. Mercury retrograde in Libra is not the best time to make a contractual commitment since you might not be totally clear on the fine print. If you have a deadline to sign a contract, then get a second opinion. It doesn’t mean you’re doubtful, you’re just checking all the boxes.
You have two weeks to get cozy with your partner so relish it. Someone having your back is a wonderful thing. The retrograde is a hazy time but it creates a romantic atmosphere perfect for getting attached to someone.
Mercury goes direct on November 3rd, preparing to leave Libra for the year. Themes of beauty, partnership, and how to keep it in your life will come into focus around then. Come back then to find out more!
By Emilie Jensen