Fortified by a long rest, your Ruling Planet Pluto begins to inch forward today after several months of backward motion. It might not be noticeable at first, but a shift in the tide will soon start to reveal itself through the practical steps you’ll begin to make. You feel like you’re waking up; something piques your interest. Follow your lead and take it as a sure sign you’re on to something when, on October 6 or 7, someone cries foul.

Contrary voices persist through mid-October, requiring you to defend or develop crucial parts of your plan. Reinforcements arrive on October 19, but don’t let them grab the reins of power. You’re still the one higher up on the food chain! Scorpios are known for their savvy money management, so it literally pays to pay attention to Jupiter, the ruler of your 2nd House of Resources. It gives important clues as to the state of your financial affairs for up to a year at a time. Beginning in November and lasting for several months, this giant planet will make intermittent demands on your Ruling Planet Pluto. The big news here: a financial payout may be necessary. A sibling or neighbor may be involved, as well as questionable, off-screen or surreptitious conditions. Perhaps someone needs a discreet bailout or rehab or a seven-day silent retreat and you foot the bill. The key for you is to respond with as much integrity as you can find, and not to expect a reward. That comes much later. You CAN expect “events” related to the situation on January 6-7 of the New Year, and again February 21-22. A major development or revelation comes at the end of March, extending through April 8. Use the information to your advantage, being sure to keep a balanced, steady and conservative approach. On April 20, you Ruling Planet will turn retrograde. Be sure to check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn