All is in harmony, Child of Uranus. As the seasons shift, so does your Ruling Planet. It begins moving forward after a several month pause, indicating a similar change of momentum for you.  It’s true that for several days surrounding December 29, things are disrupted. That’s bound to happen as areas that have been back-burnered suddenly move up the priority list.

Once the dust settles, though, you’re quite ready to forge ahead. It’s a year when events regularly trigger breakthroughs for you. Push your own boundaries or they’ll be pushed for you! The first episode occurs January 10-11, when hidden matters come to light, exposing a favored teacher, religious leader or patriot. You re-evaluate your own thinking and even your daily habits as a result. You’ll feel incredibly hurried and impatient from February 20 through March 10. Try not to take it out on your fellow motorists or pedestrians. Focus instead on a new martial arts class or harness up at your local indoor rock climbing gym. Something outside the norm. Although Aquarians are often considered forward-thinking, the truth is they can be quite stubborn and fixed in their ways. So take a little risk, Child of Uranus! Be careful not to get overloaded in mid-April; you don’t want to short out. An important planetary alignment for Aquarius peaks in May. It shows a similar integration or coming together of two important internal parts of you; the radical part and the more conservative side. Normally these two voices do not easily sing in harmony, but this month and year, they create beautiful music together. Old and new, past and future, inside the box and out of it — all merge in perfect balance. Mid-July brings temporary but intense personal challenges from work or health concerns. Steady as she goes, Child of Uranus. Your Ruling Planet changes directions again on August 2, 2017. Check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn