Child of Mars, you’ve got to make the best of bad situation for the next several weeks. Your Ruling Planet, Mr. Headstrong, is forced to navigate through the congested, emotionally laden zodiac sign of Cancer.

It’s like trying to get through a maze and at every turn you encounter someone crying, screaming, or terrified. Nothing you do seems to help and in fact, makes the situation worse. What can you do? What CAN you do? The answer to that question comes on June 9 from a woman friendly to your cause. She will provide grounded and useful methods for dealing with all the drama around you. Don’t dismiss her counsel. It could come in handy again on June 24-25 when an attractive offer – too attractive – comes your way. In case you forget, a messenger arrives on June 28 with a crystal clear answer. July 2 – 18 is a tense period that may require something of you. A situation develops, and you must take a stand. There is some personal risk. But what are you if not brave, Child of Mars? You rise to the occasion. On July 20, your Ruling Planet moves into the next sign. Check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn