The still, small voice is a quiet one indeed. No one knows this better than the Child of Neptune, and thus the need for time away from the clamor and thrum of everyday life. How lovely then, that the stars have your back for the next several months.

There’s support for you and your efforts and priorities, which comes from your family, work or through developing circumstances. This is especially gratifying considering the crises that many others are having. Be a smart Neptunian; lean in to things that are going your way. The “I’m not good enough” message has got to go, especially when it prevents you from capitalizing on things that you’ve already earned. June 25-26 is a good time for action; someone of import takes notice of you on July 5. On July 17 – 18, conditions are ripe for love and money. Do not permit self-destructive internal messaging to derail this delicious, potent opportunity. You DO deserve all the good coming in your direction! It will materialize by August 12. September is a month for the Child of Neptune to observe, analyze and make hard decisions. An inconvenient and uncomfortable truth emerges on September 5. Just when you’ve finally wrapped yourself around this new reality, two people come together to oppose you the last week of September. It takes your breath away, but worry not! You will be vindicated and they will be exposed on November 3. By mid-November you’re feeling better; quite relaxed and refreshed as a matter of fact. This is a good time to attend to your appearance, to bring your own special brand of affection to people close to you, and to mind your pennies which want to slip away from you. Your Ruling Planet turns direct on November 22. Check back here then to see what this means for you!by
Linea Van Horn