Strap in, Child of Mars. You’re being fueled by solar energy in more ways than one as your Ruling Planet races through the empowering zodiac sign of Leo. But this is no ordinary race. As you push off from the starting gate there are explosions at your heels and accidents in your wake.

It’s personal, too. Maybe someone in your family: a dad, step-dad or brother who’s going off the rails and making life hell for you or someone close. The challenge for you is one of personal leadership. Act, don’t react. Own your strength. Eat high-quality fuel. Give yourself credit where it’s due. Stick to the exercise plan, focusing on heart health, strength and endurance. Take outdoor exercise appropriately, because with hot Mars in a Fire sign there’s a real danger of overheating. August 18 – 22 is a potent time when you suddenly, fiercely, emerge from the shadow, sword in hand. You have a mission and you succeed where others fail. You may be acting on behalf of your child, or a close friend or lover. Just try not to burn any bridges behind you. The first four days of September you are more assertive (or even, ahem, abrasive) than you realize. Will you impassion others or inflame them? That is entirely up to you! Your Ruling Planet moves into the next sign on September 5. Check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn