Take your finger out of the socket and back slowly away from the wall, Child of Uranus. Yes, you’re surrounded by craziness. Your irritability and impatience with it all has reached new heights. Something’s got to change in your world, whether it’s the neighborhood or national politics, a long-standing feud with your sibling, or the things you’re choosing to learn in this school called Life.

Before you go off and break something, here’s important news: The Great American Eclipse on August 21 will make things much clearer to you. In fact, your Ruling Planet is grinding to a halt and hanging around long enough to be implicated in the drama before back-pedaling a few steps. The takeaway here is that even though the eclipse is in Leo, the zodiac sign opposite to yours, it could still be life-changing for you. Remember, Child of Uranus: change wants to be embraced! So greet it with a big ol’ hug, no matter in what form it appears. Even when eclipses bring difficult events, good things often flow from them. Remember, too, that one of your key cosmic advantages in 2017 is the ability to ground these benefits into something that lasts.

A dear friend or old flame comes back into your life at the beginning of September. It’s a wonderful, warm connection that makes you happy, and in which you find new common interests that bind you together even further. As the month develops, you’re open to seeing things in a new and different way which radically expands your point of view. Consciousness is widened. September 17 – 18 is a particularly delicious moment in this regard. A woman close to you, with some kind gesture or word, opens a flood of feeling. Simply witnessing this exchange uplifts you and changes your perspective.

In October, use opposition to clarify rather than divide. Take the high road with that difficult sibling even when it’s the harder choice. Learn the legal and historical background of your political position with an open mind. Do your political choices align with your highest internal moral bearings? Be attentive when buttons are pushed! That’s an indication to detach emotionally and explore mentally the source of your discomfort. Much insight can be acquired this month, Child of Uranus, if you will permit it to penetrate your rather thick skull.

November brings the third and final surge of what could be called an inner social restructuring. For the past year, it’s been a little easier to break old patterns, especially when it comes to how you respond to other people: friends and neighbors in particular, even family members. Maybe someone “brought something to your attention.” Or you figured it out yourself. Either way, by improving your recognition of social cues, a new awareness has emerged. You’ve distilled the needed lessons and matured in your approach to others. This has permitted you to bring order to the chaos in this area of your life. As the window of this opportunity now begins to close, make a conscious effort to embody that old saying “Make new friends but keep the old.” As one of the most social signs of the zodiac, the Child of Uranus benefits by being around others.

Mounting tension for the last week of November climaxes in a hot exchange on December 1. Be a lot more careful and conscious in your everyday habits now, such as driving around your neighborhood. Fortunately, the rest of the month and year flow more smoothly for you. December 15 – 20 is a lovely period for Aquarius when things come your way unbidden. This is a great way to end the year, and then on January 2 of the New Year, your Ruling Planet changes direction yet again. Check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn