Another round of Mercury Retrograde is upon us from August 12 – September 8. Fortunately, this happens in the zodiac sign Virgo, which is “home” for your Ruling Planet, and if you’re going to hang around somewhere for a little extra time, it may as well be at home.

Therefore this is not an unwelcome development. The other news is that with Mercury, an “extended visit” inevitably translates to “Mercury Retrograde.” Indeed, we’ll be dancing to that tune soon enough, but until then, there’s plenty of work to be done. And knowing that the coming weeks will be a great time to delve into history and ground already covered, why not tackle a substantial project like organizing your (take your pick): attic, garage, file cabinet, ten thousand drawings, photos, poems or songs you’ve created since you were a teenager? The more this project has been weighing you down, the better your results will be! Choose what you want and set it up in the early part of August. Gather your materials, some way to document what you’re doing and the results (you’ll be glad you did), and everything you need. That way, as soon as your Ruling Planet turns retrograde on August 12, you’ll be ready to dive in to history. Check back here then to see what Mercury Retrograde means for you!
by Linea Van Horn