You’re having an odd sense of déjà vu, Child of Mercury. Like waking up from a dream, only was it a dream or real life? Something happened at the end of July….it seems so long ago now, even though it was only a few weeks, and actually, you didn’t realize at the time that it was important. But it’s been nagging at you in the back of your mind.

Someone, maybe someone close, was dismissive or undermining towards you. Or, like Iago, planted a hidden thought seed that’s only now sprouting into consciousness. Whatever it was, your Ruling Planet is revisiting the situation, helping you to take things into your own hands. Incredibly, when you do so, support and freedom quickly follow. You’re able to see things with new eyes. Not only that, you seem to have moved into a stream of remarkable, free flowing yet organized mental energy. This is an extremely limited-time offer when the speed and structure of your own thought process can reach new heights. Take a dip in this fast-moving river as it flows by! Your Ruling Planet will turn direct on September 5. Be sure to check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn