You’ve recently developed some new personal leadership skills, Child of Mars. Now you get to apply the lessons learned and flex your muscles on a fresh project. Perhaps you’re a team leader for the first time or on the fast track after a recent promotion. The ante is upped. Consequences are meaningful, long-lasting, and basically, you don’t want to screw up.

Your gut tells you that hard work and a modest countenance will pay off in the future, and you’re right. Something special happens on September 17-18, although you won’t recognize it in the moment. Its importance will only become clear as weeks and months roll by. On September 24, while attempting to demonstrate your skill, you take a figurative belly flop. A master of recovery, you’ve saved face and even gained power by October 1, and by October 5 you finally get your hands on something you’ve been wanting a long time. On October 10, a cosmic fatherly arm around your shoulder helps you navigate rough waters on the 11th. By October 17, everyone seems to be in your ring. You emerge the victor. On October 22, your Ruling Planet moves into the next zodiac sign. Be sure to check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn