Child of Jupiter, prepare for the Big Deep. Your Ruling Planet makes its once-every-twelve-years journey through the intense, retentive zodiac sign of Scorpio from October 10, 2017 – November 8, 2018. During this period, your typical upbeat optimism will be dimmed, modified by the reality of this brooding, dark sign.

Whether in personal experience or the world at large, the most serious matters of life will be foremost in your mind. You may have to deal with increased paranoia, scrutiny, suspicion, jealousy, or on a grander scale, xenophobia. Certainly you’ll feel more defensive or protective, carefully identifying and guarding what’s yours. If this feels like some sort of dark night of the soul, you’re not wrong. But we focus too much on the negative side of Scorpio, forgetting that all things must be in balance. Remember, therefore, that the depth of your pain in the coming year is also the measure of your potential joy. Out of the ashes rises new life. This will be particularly clear from October 25 – early December. Remaining vulnerable and open while peering down the chasm of life and death is the tightrope you now walk. If anyone can stay aloft whilst managing both the abyss and these stellar heights, it’s you! You’ve been preparing for this moment, Child of Jupiter. It’s the darkest hour before the dawn. Your Ruling Planet turns retrograde on March 8, 2018. Check back here then to see what this means for you.
by Linea Van Horn