The world is turned upside down as your “I, me, mine” Ruling Planet Mars travels through the “You first, I insist!” zodiac sign of Libra until December 9. You’re forced, temporarily, to consider others before yourself. Don’t you hate when that happens?

Your own projects are back-burnered as you step up to do what is needed. Because if there’s one thing you are good at, it’s doing something! When others benefit from your actions, it provides the counterbalance needed to keep you from veering completely off into MeMeMe Land. Protocol demands that you keep your cool from November 18 – December 2, which could prove more difficult than it seems. A challenging, almost antagonistic situation develops in mid-November that enrages you, but you do not feel empowered to fix it the way you usually do. Things are beyond your control. Tension builds and by the first of December, you’re ready to pop, lash out or erupt spectacularly. It happens, and everything deflates. By December 6, you actually feel quite steady on your feet; a fairly quick recovery all things considered. On December 9, your Ruling Planet moves into the next zodiac sign. Be sure to check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn