Child of Neptune, you’re poised to launch forward in the voyage of your life! You Ruling Planet moves ahead after months of inward-looking retrograde motion. These changes of direction are nothing out of the ordinary. What’s so different this time is that you have a big-time Guardian Angel at your side for the next many months.

It provides protection, support and opportunity to a degree seldom experienced. Figuratively speaking, not only is your ship fully provisioned, but the wind fills your sails and there’s fair weather ahead! You’ll experience three surges of this high tide: one in December, again in May 2018, and finally in August. These are times when you say “Yes!” Your finest qualities will be magnified. The invisible, spiritual aspects of life will beckon as you search for deeper meaning and some sort of transcendence. You see the divine in everyone, and are inspired to make the world a better place. On a more earthly note, there will be a burst of libido to manage, you lusty thing. Certain dangers lurk here, too: grandiosity, being delusional or gullible, playing the martyr, gaining weight. The last month of 2017 provides a perfect opportunity for any or all of these mystical, altruistic tendencies. Whether you meet the divine in a place of worship or retreat, or build houses for the poor in another country, your humility and devotion is total. Your New Year’s resolution features service AND action; put your money where your mouth is, or what’s it all for? It’s just like a man to interfere with your plans in February….oh wait. You were the one who invited him in, weren’t you? And now you’re complaining about the price of admission? By your birthday you realize that you can consciously capitalize on this invisible yet expansive presence you’ve felt all year. The more awareness you bring, the better it will work for you! Confirm your resolutions with the Pisces Moon on April 11-12. Feel the tropical breeze at your back in May: know that the Universe is on your side, walking next to you, arm securely around your shoulder, Child of Neptune, guiding you along your unique path. Your Ruling Planet changes direction on June 18, 2018. Check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn