Are you ready to launch, Child of Mercury? Your Ruling Planet turns direct on December 22 and begins its final ascent in the fun and festive zodiac sign of Sagittarius. It’s been here for weeks, expanding your personal and professional horizons, sometimes uncomfortably so. It’s a big world out there. Where do you fit into it?

These and other questions will rattle around in your brain as 2017 draws to a close, and the key point is; Don’t be small minded. Step out of your worry and feel the cosmic boost of energy in this time and place. It’s true that you’re traveling on familiar territory, but with your new, larger perspective, you see things in a new light. Release old mental patterns and belief systems into nothingness; let them dissolve and evaporate. Into this void will rush a light and airiness that will transport you. As the year turns, you sense an uptick in speed and optimism. January 5 – 10 is a good time to select and commit to the cause of your choice; the opportunity to turn inspiration into action will come sooner than you think! Your Ruling Planet changes signs on January 10. Check back here then to see what this means for you!
by Linea Van Horn