Your Ruling Planet Uranus comes out of retrograde on Jan. 2, 2018. This will effectively “flip” the energy in your life so that instead of feeling like you’re driving up a very steep hill with the brakes on (which might describe the previous five months) you will start to feel like you are careening down the other side with the accelerator stuck to the floor. It’s bound to feel wild and crazy and reckless, but there’s no disputing the fact that you are now moving with the current of events rather than struggling against them and that is a much better place to be.

Right now you will feel a rush to get things done. It’s not unlike what accountants were experiencing in the last few days of 2017 when people were calling up in a panic about the new tax bill. You will feel this pressure to wrap things up. This will build in intensity in the days leading up to Jan. 30.

This energy will impact decisions where you have to give your final word, sign off on a matter, or agree to a settlement. Chances are these are decisions that you’ve been dragging your feet over. Nevertheless it’s time to conclude affairs and to get out from underneath obligations that have outlived their purpose or arrangements that are no longer suitable. It’s also a time when you will have to make good on past pledges and promises. It won’t be easy to do because these fly in the face of your own best interests, but you gave your word and you really must keep it.

Feb. 15 will be a big day for you. The solar eclipse in your sign shows a new life path materializing from out of nowhere. If the previous planetary energy was about a door closing then this one points to a window opening. You will receive some kind of offer, opportunity, or invite that will be irresistible. It has the capacity to change your life or at least the direction that it is heading in. The fact that this eclipse takes place in the closing weeks of Uranus in Aries points to something both undeniable and inevitable. However you will want to be careful about how to proceed. Uranus is famous for screwy timing so you don’t want to stumble as the result of a false start or an equally misleading ending. If anything you want to adopt a wait-and-see attitude. This won’t make sense because everything seems so urgent; so do-or-die – but you have all the time in the world to make up your mind and to take your next step.

There’s a lot of Mars energy coursing through your horoscope from March 11 to April 18. Mars is a mixer-upper and you’ll experience a reigniting of rivalries and escalation of one-upmanship. It’s important to keep your cool during this period while everyone else is losing theirs. Focus on where you want to go and you will get through this period time no worse for wear. In fact you may even emerge from this with a major prize, score, or trophy to add to your collection.

April 20 brings a period of calm and stability as the Sun switches from fire to earth energy. Life is under control and you can go back and reflect on that offer, opportunity, or invite that materialized near your birthday. Saying yes to this could result in a move or relocation and that would mean some pretty big changes for you and the people who rely on you. On May 15 Ruling Planet Uranus enters the zodiac sign of Taurus. This is the first time that Uranus has changed signs in over 7 years. You will want to check back here then to see what that means for you.