Your Ruling Planet Mercury is in Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn – the reality check planet in Astrology. The ruler of the material plane, Saturn wants to know what do you have to show for yourself in terms of tangible results. Saturn asks questions like: Are you better off today than you were year ago? Are you moving up in the world? Are you surrounded by the good things in life or just making do? And if you’re just making do, then what are you going to do to turn that around so that you’re on top of the heap looking down rather than stuck at the bottom of the barrel looking up?

Saturn energy can be critical and judgmental and sometimes it can feel like you’re being lectured to by Dad. And that would make perfect sense given that Mercury will be under the rays of Saturn from Jan. 10 – 17. But the point isn’t to make you feel unworthy or incapable. The point is to bring you up to speed so that you can create the kind of stability, consistency, and security that’s eluded you. On Jan. 24 Mercury will conjoin Pluto, the planet of ordeals and the transformations that arise from them. Wth Pluto, the remedy can be almost as hard to take as what ails which is why you may be sorely tempted to call it quits or cut your losses with an untenable situation. The Stars would advise against that. The reason is that its’ the ordeal itself that brings about the transformation you seek which means that if you stay the course – and only if you stay the course – then you will surely emerge on the other side of this dark tunnel on Jan. 30. It’s important to remember that Pluto always rewards those who brave its trials and given what you’ve had to undergo recently, it looks like you will reap a hefty sum. Meanwhile Mercury changes signs on Jan. 31. Be sure to check back here then to see what this means for you!