Your Ruling Planet Mars enters Sagittarius on Jan. 26.  Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which means that this is the time to broaden your horizons and to explore your world. The next 7 weeks would be the perfect time to go on a trip or to take a vacation if you can.  Not only would it provide the perfect opportunity to refuel psychic batteries (you’ve been burning the candle on both ends lately), but you could also discover something providential – and completely by accident.

Wandering off the beaten path – whether it’s exploring a side street or attending an event or a workshop on a lark – is pretty typical for Mars in Sagittarius.  Sagittarius brings out all of your Ruling Planet’s adventurous impulses.  Sagittarius is very experiential, which means that you’ll be open to trying anything new and different.  You’re more into seeing where things might lead on their own rather than in trying to anticipate or even force an outcome.

Yet Jan. 31 shows you standing at a crossroads when it comes to deciding if you want to continue with a certain relationship or association. You need to be honest with yourself about whether this is working for you or not. The best way to answer this question is to look at the past 6 months. Have things progressed or regressed? If things are moving along swimmingly then this association is a keeper. If not? Then it’s time to cut ties. This might be happening anyway since lunar eclipses often signal a time when anything that’s on weak footing will unravel and fall apart. If it does, then you must really step aside and let this happen. No scrambling around last minute to try to salvage the situation.

A solar eclipse on Feb. 15 shows a profound shake-up in that part of your solar chart that pertains to the company you keep. You may receive an offer, opportunity, or invite that asks you to spend time in a totally different setting. You might be asked out on a date, travel for work, or fraternize with a new group of friends you just met. Needless to say this won’t go over well with the old crowd who are used to seeing you every day. This can be a tricky time because we expect the people in our lives to be supportive, to be happy for us in our new endeavors – and for the most part they will be; except for when these new endeavors take you away from them. Then those familiar friends and acquaintances will close ranks to make sure that you stay right where you are. Tensions could come to a head on Feb. 25. When it does it will be up to you to be tactful; to strike that delicate balance between standing up for yourself and being loyal to the people you care about. Reassure them that you’re not leaving them but don’t let them dictate who you see either.

Meanwhile do what you can to lock in a loan, finalize the terms for a sale, or get that re-fi approved before March 8. This is when Jupiter turns retrograde and it could make financing difficult until it comes out of retrograde on July 10. Usually Jupiter doesn’t affect you but it will this time because Jupiter rules Sagittarius (where your Mars is now) and it’s currently in Scorpio (which is a Mars-ruled sign).  Translation? Wind things up by March 8 or you’ll be left hanging in limbo until July 10.

Finally Mars trines forms a spectacular trine to Uranus on March 11. Trines are wonderful because they’re the planetary aspects that help us get from here to there. Think of the last time you disembarked from a train or a plane in a city you’ve never been to before. Maybe you’re there on business or to meet up with an old friend. You head towards passenger pick up surrounded by all the people who just journeyed with you and who are also looking for their ride. You search the line of cars creeping past looking for that Lyft sign or friend who’s come to pick you up. You can feel overwhelmed and even a bit lost until you spot that familiar smile. This is what the Mars/Uranus trine will feel like – that sudden moment of recognition – however in this case that smile will be beaming from your higher purpose here to collect you and take you to the next step of your journey. It will be both exciting and reassuring.

On March 17 your Ruling Planet changes zodiac signs. You’ll want to check back here then to see what that means for you.