Your Ruling Planet Venus is in the zodiac sign of Pisces until March 6. Venus is “exalted” in Pisces which means that this is very powerful time for you both romantically and financially. You can get just about anything you want as long as you ask nicely. Just remember this simple rule of thumb: push and people will be turned off; be inviting and welcoming and they’ll be like putty in your hands.

That said, Feb. 15 will be a big day for you. This is when you will have to deal with a wild curve-ball that gets thrown at you from out of left field. It will rock your world. The best way to work with this kind of unforeseen development is to not try to fit it into the structure of your life, but to remain flexible and open-minded. That way you’ll discover a way to incorporate it without having to force a fit. Feb. 21 is a wonderful day for getting your way. Venus conjunct Neptune puts people under your spell. Ask and you shall receive – but don’t ask for anything extravagant because the spell lifts on Feb. 25 and you don’t want anyone feeling like you took unfair advantage of them. Feb. 26 is when things come to a head with a certain someone. Both of you have been circling around a difficult issue that neither of you have wanted to face. Unfortunately the evasion has only made matters worse. Be proactive and talk about the elephant in the room. It won’t be pleasant in the moment, but afterwards you’ll both feel a lot better. Meanwhile you may be touched to learn on Feb. 27 how much your advice helped a friend or colleague in her time of need. It’s nice to know that you were there for someone. It’s also nice to know that you gave advice which you might want to follow yourself. A lovely Venus/Jupiter trine on March 1 shows you connecting with just the job, person, or opportunity that’s right for you. It will be hard to believe at first but this is what happens when the two benefics form a trine in the sky. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Just hop on board and ride! On March 4 newsy Mercury drops a bombshell in your lap. You won’t know what to make of it at first which is why you don’t want to respond right away. If anything you need to sit down with the people involved to see what really went down. Finally your Ruling Planet Venus changes zodiac signs on March 6. Be sure to check back here then to see what that means for you.