Ruling Planet Mercury enters the “go get ’em” sign of Aries on March 5. This is a great time for you because you’ll feel like you’re waking up from a 2 ½ week period when you felt groggy and like you weren’t as on top of things as you should be. Aries rules the head. Mercury rules the mind. And together you’ll be feeling alert, aware, and ready to take advantage of any opportunity that comes winging your way.

And speaking of opportunities (as well as offers, invitations, and requests) you will want to say yes to any and all of them between now and March 8. It may seem a bit reckless, but it’s better to get your foot in the door now than it is to hesitate. You can always work out the details later. If there’s an item that you’ve been promoting or a purchase that you’ve been considering then this is when you’ll want to push for it. Wait any longer and you could see this chance pass you by. This is one of the few times when it’s best to act now and ask questions later.

On March 10 Mercury runs afoul of Saturn in Capricorn. This is when you could see a claim of yours questioned, your version of events refuted, or perhaps suffer an out and out rejection. It’s hard to overturn an energy like Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn is the planet of bosses and executives, authority figures and established institutions. Moreover Saturn is strongest when it’s in Capricorn. If a door closes in your face then it’s best to move on. Appeals and entreaties won’t work now. That deaf ear will only become more hardened.

But should you find yourself being questioned, tested, or criticized then this is good. That means that the person in charge is actually on the fence about you and just needs a bit more convincing. Don’t blanch or turn tail and run. Call upon your courage and determination and argue your case as forcibly as you can. The more you can answer challenges point by point, the more those points will add up in your favor. And don’t expect a verdict right away. You may have to wait until April 25 to learn the last word on that.

Meanwhile Venus catches up to your Ruling Planet Mercury on March 19. Usually this is a favorable conjunction except when Venus is in Aries. Venus has a tendency to be a target for controversy when she’s traveling through a Mars ruled sign like Aries and subsequently you could find yourself being linked to someone who now finds herself in hot water. This could be someone you used to work for or it could be someone who you once did business with. In any case it’s a “guilt by association” sort of thing and could present a dilemma where you have to clear your name. Try not to take offense (no matter how offensive the inquiring party becomes) and do your best to answer questions in a straightforward manner. There may be a couple of days there where things feel a little iffy, but that should change around the 22nd when Mercury turns retrograde. Your Ruling Planet’s sudden change of direction should put distance between you and the other person’s actions thereby saving you from a potential harm in reputation.

On March 22 your Ruling Planet Mercury turns retrograde. Be sure to check back here then to see what that means for you.