June 29

Saturn turns retrograde

A retrograde refers to a period when a planet appears to be moving backwards in the sky. During a retrograde a planet often behaves in a way that’s opposite to its nature. Mercury, the planet of shopkeepers for instance, becomes the planet of shoplifters when it’s retrograde and Venus – a planet famous for bringing people together – often drives them apart. So if Saturn is the planet of tests, trials, and tribulations doesn’t it make sense that we would all catch a break while it’s reversed? Unfortunately Saturn is still Saturn even when it’s retrograde – just slower, heavier, and crankier. This is why Saturn retrograde in a reflective sign like Pisces is all about tuning in and dropping out. This is the time to unplug from your phone, tablet, or laptop and reconnect to the quiet you. The undistracted you. The deep you. Finding time to be alone and apart doesn’t have to be scary. In fact it can be refreshing and more importantly: restorative. Saturn will be retrograde from June 29th to November 15th. Signs most affected: Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces