This is the end on an era for you, Aquarius! It’s the final pass of multiple years-long processes. You have a unique opportunity in the coming year to weave together the stories of these changes in your life, and to integrate them in a way that helps you succeed in years to come.

2017 is quite an exciting and stimulating year for you, and can be very refreshing if you don’t get stuck in your stodgy ways. There can be breakthroughs of understanding along with personal and professional discoveries. You arrive at a new understanding of the delicate dance between past and future. You could experience a classic crisis of faith, particularly in February – March or August -September, which revolutionizes your thinking and beliefs on certain subjects.

Aquarius is a Fixed sign and not a big fan of change. That’s why this year’s influences are so helpful. In the past couple of years there’s been a serious culling of your friends and like-minded peeps. You have less patience for people who don’t see eye to eye with you. You’ve been forced to clarify your beliefs and stand up for them. You’re setting boundaries with friends privately and publicly, and the consequence is a smaller, more confined group of people around you. Beware the bubble, Aquarius! It’s not a good sign If everyone in your circle thinks like you. In the meantime, there have been surprising changes in your neighborhood over the last five or six years (you didn’t sign off on that!) . As if that weren’t enough, you’re annoyed with the ongoing developments between your siblings (if you have them) or neighbors (if you don’t).

You’ll notice that everything in the above paragraph has to do with the people around you. Remember that old saying about Aquarius? “They love humanity. It’s people they can’t stand.” Let’s refresh that old canard! The time is ripe for bringing new people into your sphere of existence. When you do, the result can be eye-opening and mind-exploding. They provide exactly the jolt you need to get you out of your cerebral, mind-numbing point of view and catapult you into a whole new way of seeing things. Not that you’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater; quite the contrary. A scorched earth policy isn’t usually that effective. One of the twin gifts you have this year is the ability to perceive and repackage all sorts of valuable takeaways from your established way of doing things. At the same time, you’ve retained your ability to detach without a lot of fuss or baggage.

Don’t fall asleep at the wheel when it comes to money this year, Aquarius. There are multiple indicators of “leakage” in your Sector of Finances. It could be that less money is coming in, but more likely, you’re just not paying enough mind to where and how it’s going out. A February 26 eclipse may forcibly bring your attention to this area with a bill or statement of an expense you had conveniently forgotten about. If you’re really struggling to live within your means, it’s worth the investment to get some help from a Virgo accountant or advisor.

A very “hot” zone occurs from July 15 – 20. Freedoms clash, and it’s not easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys. Everyone’s taking things too personally, and has too short a fuse. People are easy to anger and quick to erupt. You at least have the benefit of advance warning. So you’ll know not to escalate, not to rattle someone’s cage, not to poke at them with your intelligent, witty, smartass remarks that they’re too stupid to understand. Take a deep breath, smile and walk away. You don’t have to engage.

August is a significant month for Aquarius. A major solar eclipse lands in your Sector of Relationship. This brings positive events to people who are closest to you, (or negative events with positive outcomes) for a period of time lasting several months before and after the actual eclipse. There’s a remarkable alignment this month of the people in the various departments of your life: your assorted partners and one-to-one personal and professional relationships, your friends and acquaintances, and your neighbors and/or brothers and sisters. This means you stand to benefit from this eclipse more than most other zodiac signs! The key is to welcome new people and friends into your life with open arms. They hold the key to your personal and professional growth.

After October 10, there’s a renewed highlight on your career and your visible place in the world. You can receive professional recognition and acknowledgment, a favorable influence that persists until the end of 2018. You could even parlay a raise out of this, Aquarius! Do not be shy to ask! Now is the time!

On December 19, one of your Ruling Planets moves into a new sign. The other one shifts zodiac signs next June, which only happens every seven years. This signals similar cosmic shifts for you, Aquarius. Some aspect of your reality will certainly be changing. Appreciate the coordinated effort that is your gift this year. Give yourself room to grow in the next!

By Linea Van Horn