Yearly Horoscope: Leo – 2021

You begin the year with Jupiter and Saturn having recently entered that part of your solar chart pertaining to partnerships. Jupiter brings promise and Saturn brings tests, trials, and tribulations and all of 2021 will be about trying to find the balance between the two. If you’re not already in a relationship, chances are you’ll meet someone this year. Saturn is a planet of time, age, and longevity, which suggests that this person will probably be significantly older or younger and that the relationship will last a long time and have a serious nature to it. Unfortunately, It’s also probable that this person is going through a rough time. Perhaps you met them in a deadening marriage or maybe they’re struggling financially. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, unexpected difficulties for a partner or someone close to you will be stealing the focus this year, particularly between January 23rd – 26th, when this person will be facing some big life adjustments. Not all challenges are negative, however. In fact, they may be liberating, even if requiring effort and adaptation. Maybe they get their dream job which adds more responsibility to their plate. Perhaps they’re in need of emotional support, having just left a miserable relationship for you. It could also be that they suddenly want to take off somewhere to find themselves. Whatever it is, this is a year about the other people in your life, whose state of affairs need attention, which you’re happy to give. How can you be there for them?

March 26th brings an exciting opportunity for you when the Sun conjoins Venus in Aries. You already know that you’re popular, but this aspect boosts your magnetism even more. Especially with the last couple of years being a drag, this is a chance to take the spotlight and do what you do best, which is to perform. Maybe you get invited to an audition, nail a job interview you’ve always wanted, or win an award for one of your creations. Whether this is career related or not, April 30th brings a shift for you regarding your status. For the past couple of years, you’ve had to deal with curve balls at work, whether it be an unpredictable boss, unreliable co-workers, or other surprises, like Covid-19. Not usually one to field these unanticipated upsets, you’ve had to keep up with changes while also providing the support and encouragement that everyone is looking to you for. Your efforts pay off when you get promoted to a higher position or are offered a raise. The only downside is that this complicates things with your partner who you now may find yourself in conflict with. They’ve been the center of your focus so far this year, but now that you’re getting recognition, your priorities are changing. Do you make decisions based on their life changing circumstances and thereby sacrifice your own dreams?

May 26th brings a Lunar Eclipse in your solar 5th house of children, creativity, and romance. Eclipses indicate change and are especially impactful for you because your ruling planet is the Sun. As a Leo, it is your nature to shine through what you create, whether that means having kids or being involved in arts and entertainment. Even if you don’t have children, you take pride in what you make. This could mean finally finishing an exhibit or performance piece you’ve been working on or reintroducing romance back into your relationship, giving it new life. If you have kids, perhaps they pick up a new hobby or let go of an old one, which is upsetting to you. Maybe they fall in love for the first time, which distracts them from their family commitments. If they’re older, it’s possible they make a life-altering decision such as entering the military, going to college, changing careers, or getting married. If you don’t have children, this could be the year that you do, whether through pregnancy, adoption, artificial insemination, or other means. If you don’t experience a shift, a sibling might with a second Eclipse occurring in Gemini on June 10th conjoined with Mercury. Maybe a sibling meets someone that furthers them up the ladder in their career or perhaps everyone will be able to gather in groups again, for sports, amusements, and delights! Regardless, your natural ability to look on the bright side of life will make the change feel refreshing and exciting.

On August 2nd, the Sun/Saturn opposition renews tensions in your relationship and you will both be forced to make a decision about your future together. Your loved one has been stressed with new life adjustments, which you’ve been very supportive through. But with the career opportunity you took back in the Spring, you’ve also been going through changes and have needed backing. Unfortunately, your partner has been too focused on their affairs to give you the attention you need. Although fiercely loyal to those you love, you’re not used to compromising when it comes to being important. With the Sun now in your own sign, you recognize that you’re not getting what you want and deserve. This aspect indicates needing to have a hard conversation about the balance of energy in your relationship. Questions as to how you can be there for each other equally without it being a competition on who’s more special may come up.

The Sun enters Libra on September 22nd. Libra is a sign that the Sun struggles in because instead of calling the shots, you’re forced to work with others, which is something you don’t like doing. You prefer to do things your way. October 9th brings frustrations with a business partner or a co-worker. You may feel irritated at having to go through someone else to get what you want, or worse, work with a committee who water your ideas down. Used to taking charge, you can sometimes forget that other people have good ideas too and that collaborating can heed quicker results. It’s when people feel silenced that nothing gets done. Although you mean well, sometimes you can come across as domineering, which can leave others feeling unheard. Make sure you leave room for the opinions and perspectives of others. They’ll probably be more grateful for the confidence and direction you provide if they feel like their input matters. When the Sun trines Jupiter on October 15th, you’re surprised to find how quickly people listen to you when you allow them to work at their own pace and in their own way.

On October 30th – November 4th, the Sun comes into hard aspect with both Saturn and Uranus again, this time bringing up unexpected difficulties regarding home and family. This could indicate unforeseen renovations in your house, a parent in a difficult circumstance, or someone going through a hard time. You are paternal at heart and have an instinct to protect and provide. Although being a good leader is important to you, it’s not all on your shoulders to figure out the solution or to be the upbeat person who keeps hope alive. Instead of solving your family’s problems, maybe what’s needed is spending time with your kin, enabling them to step up, or listening to and encouraging those who are feeling down.

As a Leo, people are drawn to your warmth and expressiveness, which is infectious. You make others want to emulate you. Not one to be dissatisfied in life, this isn’t to say you don’t have aspirations. On the contrary, you’re ambitious because you know you are the best and deserve to be on top. Those who are in charge, however, have a responsibility to encourage others to be their best selves and shine their own light. Allow this Eclipse season to open your heart to the possibilities of how you can show off your talents while enabling others to do the same. The final Eclipse on December 19th will reward your magnanimity by connecting you to someone of influence, who will come to make a difference in your life next year.