Yearly Horoscope: Cancer – 2021

You begin the year with a sigh of relief because the night terror of 2020 is over. As the sign represented by the Moon, dreams are your first language. But even nightmares make you want to hide under the bed. Thankfully, it’s safe to come out and take stock of your surroundings. 2020 has involved ordeals with loved ones, power struggles and blocked efforts at work, and big changes regarding who you are and how you’re seen by others. Normally, you move towards what you want in a strategic manner, preferring to blend in and strike when the time is right. However, this past year, you’ve had to learn how to confront others head-on, which is something you’re uncomfortable with. You’re also a Summer sign, familiar with the bounty that long, sunny days bring. But, with Saturn having been in your solar 7th house of partnerships, you’ve had to survive the barrenness of Winter, which has been hard. This might have meant being there for someone experiencing hard times, a partner in crisis, or your relationship undergoing a heavy transformation. Fortunately, the tensions in these areas of life are over and brighter times are ahead.

Come February, Saturn and Uranus will square, bringing up the topics of money management. Security is your top priority and you won’t feel comfortable until your finances are in order. February 10th is a good time to seek support, but it will take effort and innovation on your part to find the right kind of help. As a sign represented by the most cyclical “planet”, you tend to recycle that which has come before and side with tradition. While this usually works for you, sometimes stepping outside of the box is necessary. In this case, it is. If your unemployment money from 2020 never came through, you might need to navigate the system to talk to the right person. Perhaps you’re eligible for government benefits and it requires research and persistence to find out. If you’re one of the luckier Cancers, maybe you have some money saved, and are looking for new ways of making more. In this case, February 18th would be a good day to invest in something, such as property, a business, or additional training.

March 16th brings disruptive change regarding a friend or a group you’re part of when the Moon conjoins Uranus in Taurus and squares Saturn. Perhaps someone in your community unexpectedly falls on hard times and you want to lend a hand or maybe a co-worker takes a sudden departure, leaving you with the brunt of their work. As the sign of the Crab, you retreat into your shell when there is perceived danger, preferring to sidestep discord or discomfort. And especially with your ruling planet now in Taurus, you prefer to keep the peace. However, with the Moon passing through all twelve signs within the month, you benefit from having a diversity of emotions and moods. The Full Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus and square Saturn on April 26th will test your ability to fiercely fight for what’s fair. This could be connecting your friend to resources, especially now that you’re familiar with the system, or confronting your colleague about leaving you hanging. Be mindful of cutting ties, however. The poison of the scorpion stinger can be fatal.

On May 13th, Jupiter moves into Pisces for a short period of time, bringing your attention to the part of your chart pertaining to mental, physical, and spiritual expeditions. Born under the planet known as the “Wandering Moon”, exploring is part of your nature. This is a good time to plan the trip of your dreams, sign up for a self-improvement course to update your skills, or start off on a self-help venture. Whatever kind of journey you embark on, you’ll be sure to bring the comforts of home with you, whether that be family traditions or your favorite sweater your mom gave to you.

An Eclipse occurs in the part of your solar chart pertaining to work, health, and routine on May 26th. Eclipses indicate change and are especially important for you. Represented by a planet that is constantly in motion, you’re used to fluctuation and adapting to your environment. This will help you to roll with the punches and be flexible with your plans. Another Eclipse follows shortly thereafter on June 10th in your solar 12th house. This could reveal something that was previously hidden at work, indicate a life shift with a sibling, or suggest that it’s time to spend time with yourself in solitude. Although we can’t control what happens to us, you are especially adept at building a safety net to catch you when you fall.

The Summer Solstice on June 20th brings your first birthday month in years without challenging planets infringing on it! As a family-oriented sign, you’ll want to celebrate with your tribe, even if that’s friends over blood relations. Belonging to others is everything to you and you’ll do anything for those you consider kin. One of your best qualities is how nurturing and caring you are. People come to you when they need solace. You know how others feel on a gut level, which helps them feel understood. As a sign used to plenty, you’re not one to leave anyone hungry or cold. Commemorate these wonderful characteristics of yours by treating yourself to an outing with those closest to you.

July 12th brings monetary rewards for your efforts back in February when the Moon conjoins both Venus and Mars in your solar 2nd house of resources. If you connected yourself to financial help, chances are that you’re now feeling more fiscally secure. Your confidence in your ability to make more money is likely to increase. It’s not that you didn’t have the ability to make changes before, it’s just that you’re now more willing to take a risk. This would be a good time to increase your prices, make a new investment, or ask for a raise. Venus attracts while Mars attacks. Whatever it is you do, it’s likely that with confidence and charm, what you put out there will come effortlessly to you.

There are disagreements with home, land, or family on September 9th when the Moon conjoins Venus and squares Pluto. It could be that you can’t agree on a renovation project with your housemate, perhaps your parents aren’t getting along, or maybe a relative has been hoarding time at the family cabin. As a Cancer, home is your sanctuary and having a say-so over your space is important. But, you’re out of your element when it comes to communicating hard feelings because words often don’t suffice to convey your depth of emotion. Instead, you understand others and express yourself through gestures, cues, and tenderness. But not everyone is as in tune with their 6th sense as you are. Learning to use words to convey your needs will help you to be heard. September 30th brings the opportunity to compromise.

Another Eclipse occurs on November 19th, this time in the part of your solar chart pertaining to hopes, wishes, friends in high places, and community. This could be a friend drastically changing their life course, a sudden shift with an organization you’re part of, or meeting someone who furthers you towards your dreams. If it’s the latter, the last Eclipse of the year on December 4th could give you the boost you need. Occurring in your solar 6th house of work, routine, and service, you might find that you’re ready to spend your days in a more meaningful way, whether that be with respect to your job or your free time. This could look like starting a new job that is in more alignment with who you are, revamping your daily regimen to make it more purposeful by including practices like yoga or meditation, or volunteering for a cause you believe in. Whatever it is, your unique ability to adapt to any situation and feel when the right time to act is will help you to navigate these adjustments with ease.

The Moon is the most cyclical “planet”, giving you an innate understanding that what’s come before will come again. This gives you a resiliency to the ups and downs of life as well as a consistency that helps you persevere through hard times.

or crawl into your shell to silently sulk so that others don’t see how sensitive you really are. While neither strategy is apt to help, it’s better than getting eaten alive. Instead, listen to and nurture them

But, your pincers make you a formidable opponent and you’ll do what you need to protect yourself and your clan.

As a water and a nighttime sign, you often receive your insights via the unconscious realm of dreams, feelings, and instincts.

into Eclipses…May/June — work and health stuff, relevant with covid… celebrate their birthday for the 1st time without shitty planets – highlight this!! 1st birthday without uranus in aries, without saturn in there, without eclipses… beautiful praise-worthy ode to Cancer. Focus on the positives! Describe Cancer as a sign and to make reader feel good.

(don’t bring up the past – 2018… put focus on going from 1-7 to 12-6 houses for Eclipses. Eclipses affect Cancer a lot… Saturn and jupiter have moved on, you can come out now, the nightmare is over….1st step! What does that mean that they’ve moved on? What does the world look like NOW in 2021 for Cancers? Eclipses in their signs are over, saturn and jupiter have moved on, the square from Mars to Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto- because it’s squaring Cancer…theyre not going to hear about going into debt–you want a reassuring paragraph–spend time with what they’ve gone through and with where they are now — people aren’t going to hear the information if they’re only hearing a negative- congratulate them on having gotten through everything)

The Moon was known for its wandering quality because it was the fastest moving “planet” in the sky. Although hearth and home are important to you, journeying is part of your nature and you’ll bring the comforts of home with you. This is a good time to plan the trip of your dreams, sign up for a course, or start off on a self-help venture.

April 26th brings a Full Moon in Scorpio with the Sun conjunct Uranus, indicating an unexpected change regarding children, romance, and pleasures. You may find out unpleasant news regarding one of your kids, uncover an off-putting secret about a lover, or have a bad reaction to that Vietnamese comfort food you ate the night before. Not one to be guided by logic, you’ll probably have a hunch that can clue you in for what to expect. Whatever it is, come May 15th, everything will work out okay.

June 5th brings up power struggles between you and a loved one. Prone to keeping things cozy and light, you’re not comfortable with the gloom that quarrels can bring. Being represented by the Crab, one strategy to manage your feelings is crawling into your shell and silently sulking. This is because words often don’t suffice to express your depth of feeling. Another instinct is to throw a temper tantrum, especially if you perceive that your needs aren’t being met. The problem with these tactics is they can leave the other person feeling alone and unheard. When you’re feeling threatened, it’s a good idea to nurture yourself first before engaging. It’s when your cup is overflowing that you have the energy to be empathetic towards others and hear what they have to say. Cancer doesn’t strategize, it just goes into its shell… cancer withdrawing is as impulsive and of the moment as a aries locking horns… they just do, they don’t THINK about it. The feelings are held close, so when they have a temper tantrum, its coming out of weeks of repression… they need to leave the room and be left alone so they can work out their feelings and reappear….can bring up siblings and family members… because eclipses are going into gemini… polarization. Family ties are stronger – politics can make family relations painful… bonds are being challenged right now, which is especially hard for Cancers. -Cancers in a repotting state (repotting plant…)

(Cancers miss/ache for home and family, but it never got in the way of going for what they wanted…the Moon was known as the wandering Moon – hysteria – “wandering womb” – connected to women… wandering is connected to Cancer – it will bring its world with it and wanting to continue its traditions are important – may want to get involved with traditions of newfound people… what’s important to Cancer is bonding– very important!! Like a baby bonding to mom– do I belong to you, do you belong to me??) When you do, however, you bring the comforts of home with you. March 12th brings an opportunity for a mental, physical, or spiritual expedition when the Moon conjoins Venus, Neptune, and the Sun in Pisces. This could be learning about a new philosophy, planning the trip of your dreams, or starting off on a self-help venture. Be mindful of being overly sentimental and idealistic with where you’re headed. Venus and Neptune in your solar 9th house can make what’s out of reach especially glamorous.

You begin the year with a New Moon conjunct Pluto on January 13th in that part of your solar chart pertaining to relationships. As a child of the Moon, comfort is important to you. Having undergone heavy and challenging tribulations with loved ones between 2018-2020, you’re ready for things to be easy again. However, this New Moon suggests that ordeals in partnerships aren’t over yet. In addition, Saturn and Jupiter now in your solar 8th house indicate moving into more uneasy and unfamiliar territory. This could include combining resources with a partner, having to repay debts you’ve accumulated, or being there for someone who is in crisis. As a Summer sign, you’re not used to preparing for the colder, darker aspects of life. For you, everything is a cornucopia! But with new hopes and wishes on the horizon since the Spring of 2018 when Uranus entered your solar 11th house of what you aspire towards, you’re learning that navigating the unknown is unavoidable. January 21st brings the courage to take a chance. This could mean going into debt to start a business, taking out loans for additional training, or buying property in hopes that it will pay off later.

Paragraph 2 is squares between saturn and Uranus… money management, did your unemployment come through? Government agencies can help – where can they look to for help? Turn into a positive rather than focus on the negative. Give advice on resources, are they aware of benefits? You have to research/do the leg work to figure out how this is going to work… the cancer solution might be too traditional – they need to find new and innovative ways to handle their financial situation…people sometimes don’t know that their eligible for funds and help – encourage them to connect to their resources! Can throw in investing to get something back! (people need a lot of love right now) As a cardinal sign, you’re good at going for what you want (cardinal signs approach things in 4 very different ways… cancer approaches things indirectly because they’re the lowest on the food chain- they don’t retreat…. Cancer is the hunter – they camoflauge so they can attack… they’re going to stalk, follow the footprints in the ground, and wait until the right moment… blend into surroundings, take note and observe… really sensitive and STRATEGIC — survival instincts… think about wilderness therapy- Cancer will retreat or play dead… a Libra gets what it wants through someone else… Libras are really good at leading questions, at being conversational and engaging… complimentary… Cancers are so observant–they hunt and stalk – best bargain basement shoppers– Cancers bargain hunt and stalk to seize…and go in for the kill, they can cover their tracks and blend in like no one’s business…(not research))…Cancers can “pass” – this can be politically important – chameleon-like or having an ability to pick up the mannerisms everything I can connect in nature to camoflauging- Cancers love to get naked because they’re often without their shell. But, as one of the signs of the mother, caring for yours and others’ needs can sometimes get in the way. Come February 4th, something comes out of left field and distracts you from your pursuits. (the big motivating factor would be the family and kids…it wouldn’ get in the way- this can be part of praising Cancer- move into summertime for their birthday)This could be a child in financial distress, a friend in dire circumstances, or simply spending too much money on creature comforts, which you’re apt to do. The good news is that you receive support on February 10th. This could come in the form of an inheritance, an anonymous gift, or a loved one stepping in to help. February 11th’s New Moon in Aquarius will be a beneficial time to create a plan for how to manage your finances and your energy moving forward. (Cancers 12 personalities, Gemini is dual personality)

(don’t want to be talking about February on 3rd paragraph… anything going on in cardinals and bring to cancer.. Any big shift going on in water signs, bring to cancer… (mention jupiter in Pisces may 13th – upcoming preview for this…. for Cancer and then go into Eclipses…May/June — work and health stuff, relevant with covid… celebrate their birthday for the 1st time without shitty planets – highlight this!! 1st birthday without uranus in aries, without saturn in there, without eclipses… beautiful praise-worthy ode to Cancer. Focus on the positives! Describe Cancer as a sign and to make reader feel good. February 17th brings a clash with a friend or strife in a group you’re part of when the Moon conjoins Uranus in Taurus and squares Saturn. As the sign of the Crab, you retreat into your shell when there is perceived danger, preferring to sidestep signs of discord. And especially with your ruling planet now in Taurus, you prefer to keep the peace. But, your pincers make you a formidable opponent and you’ll do what you need to protect yourself and your clan. With the Moon passing through all twelve signs within the month, you benefit from having a diversity of emotions and moods. The Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus and square Saturn on March 3rd will test your ability to fight back and demand justice. Be mindful of cutting ties. The poison of the scorpion stinger can be fatal.

(Venture forth will not get in the way of home, they’ll bring home with them wherever they go.. The comforts of home, of the homeland, of tradition… quality of home and their people that’s really important…)Can move this to summertime to celebrate Cancer (don’t need to hit everything, skip it! Or can only focus on family, hearth, and home… as astrologers, we need to entertain our audience…. We never hear about what’s good!!–Virgo is empowering sign!! Few astrologers can give comfort, advice, consolations…Family, hearth and home are important to you, but sometimes this gets in the way of venturing forth and exploring.(Cancers miss/ache for home and family, but it never got in the way of going for what they wanted…the Moon was known as the wandering Moon – hysteria – “wandering womb” – connected to women… wandering is connected to Cancer – it will bring its world with it and wanting to continue its traditions are important – may want to get involved with traditions of newfound people… what’s important to Cancer is bonding– very important!! Like a baby bonding to mom– do I belong to you, do you belong to me??) When you do, however, you bring the comforts of home with you. March 12th brings an opportunity for a mental, physical, or spiritual expedition when the Moon conjoins Venus, Neptune, and the Sun in Pisces. This could be learning about a new philosophy, planning the trip of your dreams, or starting off on a self-help venture. Be mindful of being overly sentimental and idealistic with where you’re headed. Venus and Neptune in your solar 9th house can make what’s out of reach especially glamorous.

April 26th brings a Full Moon in Scorpio with the Sun conjunct Uranus, indicating an unexpected change regarding children, romance, and pleasures. You may find out unpleasant news regarding one of your kids, uncover an off-putting secret about a lover, or have a bad reaction to that Vietnamese comfort food you ate the night before. Not one to be guided by logic, you’ll probably have a hunch that can clue you in for what to expect. Whatever it is, come May 15th, everything will work out okay.

June 5th brings up power struggles between you and a loved one. Prone to keeping things cozy and light, you’re not comfortable with the gloom that quarrels can bring. Being represented by the Crab, one strategy to manage your feelings is crawling into your shell and silently sulking. This is because words often don’t suffice to express your depth of feeling. Another instinct is to throw a temper tantrum, especially if you perceive that your needs aren’t being met. The problem with these tactics is they can leave the other person feeling alone and unheard. When you’re feeling threatened, it’s a good idea to nurture yourself first before engaging. It’s when your cup is overflowing that you have the energy to be empathetic towards others and hear what they have to say. Cancer doesn’t strategize, it just goes into its shell… cancer withdrawing is as impulsive and of the moment as a aries locking horns… they just do, they don’t THINK about it. The feelings are held close, so when they have a temper tantrum, its coming out of weeks of repression… they need to leave the room and be left alone so they can work out their feelings and reappear….can bring up siblings and family members… because eclipses are going into gemini… polarization. Family ties are stronger – politics can make family relations painful… bonds are being challenged right now, which is especially hard for Cancers. -Cancers in a repotting state (repotting plant…)

You trust tradition over fads and will usually take the safe route with most things. Sometimes, however, taking a risk is in order, which is what you’ve been learning to do. July 12th brings an assertive punch to your financial endeavors when the Moon conjoins both Venus and Mars in your solar 2nd house of resources. Venus attracts while Mars attacks. You’ll not only have the confidence to take bold actions such as increasing your prices, making a new investment, or asking for a raise, but it’s likely that what you put out there will come effortlessly to you.

— next paragraph: September 9th brings disagreements with home, land, or family when the Moon conjoins Venus and squares Pluto. Perhaps you can’t settle on a style for a renovation project or maybe a relative has been hoarding the family cabin. As a Cancer, home is your sanctuary and having some say-so over your space is important. Learning to verbalize your needs and wants by using diplomatic skills will help you to be heard. September 30th brings the opportunity to compromise where everyone wins.

End year with Eclipses and Cancer’s done… Jupiter enters Pisces on December 28th and that’s lovely!

…You’ve been learning to expect the unexpected, take financial risks, and navigate upheaval in community. On November 4th, there’s another stand-off between you and a friend or within a group you’re in with a New Moon in Scorpio exactly opposite Uranus. This time, you have Mars in Scorpio as well, bringing more venom to your bite.

Cancers: Frugal!! – don’t bring this in or do it in a way that’s empowering. But they want to feel good that they’re taking care of themselves… be more empowering!! Give direction…. Last time I was in a money panic, what would I want to hear?

On the other hand, you’re not the type to leave anyone cold or hungry.

The Moon is the most cyclical “planet”, giving you an innate understanding that what’s come before will come again. This gives you a resiliency to the ups and downs of life as well as a consistency that helps you persevere through hard times.

or crawl into your shell to silently sulk so that others don’t see how sensitive you really are. While neither strategy is apt to help, it’s better than getting eaten alive. Instead, listen to and nurture them

As a water sign and a nighttime sign, you often receive your insights via the unconscious realm of dreams, feelings, and instincts.

(Cancer is more traditional and comfort seeking… and with Uranus in 11th house, theyre being forced to experiment and step outside of the box, which is scary)

When you perceive that your needs aren’t getting met, it can feel like you’re in mortal danger. you’re at the bottom of the food chain and must crawl into your shell so you don’t get eaten! This is one of your strategies in conflict, but it can leave your partner feeling alone and unheard. Another common instinct is to throw a temper tantrum since words often don’t suffice to express the depth of what you’re feeling. When you’re in this space, it’s a good idea to nurture yourself first before reengaging. It’s when your cup is overflowing that you have the energy to be caring towards others and hear what they have to say.

The Moon is the most cyclical “planet”, giving you an innate understanding that what’s come before will come again. This gives you a resiliency to the ups and downs of life as well as a consistency that helps you persevere through hard times. You trust tradition over fads and will usually take the safe route with most things. March 19th brings an innovative punch to your financial endeavors when the Moon conjoins both Mars and the North Node of the Moon in your solar 2nd house of resources. The North Node serves to increase whatever planet it touches. Connected to Mars, you’ll have the confidence to take a risk such as increase your prices, make a new investment, or ask for a raise. Come April 14th, your efforts will pay off.