Yearly Horoscope: Aries – 2021

As the year begins, you are emerging from a very long battle as your ruling planet, Mars, just spent 6 months squaring Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn. You’re tired, worn out, and frustrated, having fought with authority figures for most of 2020. As Mars moves into Taurus on January 6th, you’re given a moment to rest and reset, but don’t put your weapons down for too long because Mars in Taurus is all about defending the headway you’ve made. You’ve gained something important, but with these gains ensues certain rules, which you may not like. Freedom to do what you want comes at a price and it’s up to you to decide whether the price is worth it on January 20th.

Thankfully Mars in Gemini introduces some give and take with you and your colleagues. Conversation and collaboration keep things from getting too peaked and you find that you have more in common with the people you were struggling with than you thought. Between March 21st – April 17th, you will find you have made even more connections, this time with people in positions of influence, which will surely advance you towards your goals. This invigorates you, as you love aiming high and going for the win. You’ll come out on top on April 17th when Mars makes a supportive trine to Jupiter, the planet of luck and benevolence.

Mars in Cancer brings a temporary drop in confidence, as someone in your household struggles with a crisis over their life direction and you wonder just how good of a role model you’ve been. As the first zodiac sign of Spring, you have an abundance of energy available to you as well as a reliable instinct. Your youthfulness and vigor are inspiring, and you can use this to your advantage to help get others out of a rut. June 5th marks an especially low point for this family member. You yearn to coach them back into a state of self-trust, but don’t be too quick to play the hero. Let them be in their emotional process, even if that means sitting in the blues for a while. You would do well to do this too, as you yourself have been feeling unappreciated and taken advantage of at work. Although you’re frustrated by this situation, you are deeply involved in a transformation of where you’re headed in life, even if you may not yet realize it. Be patient and expect constant change during this time for yourself and your family, as Mars is in the sign of the Moon, a planet famous for its mood swings.

On June 11th, Mars enters the part of your solar chart having to do with romance and pleasures. This is when you spot a new love interest represented by Venus in Leo. Your entire focus is on winning this person over and you’re delighted by your newfound goal. Unfortunately July 1st brings setbacks when you realize your romantic fancy is unavailable and that there are consequences for pursuing them. You think about whether you should stop and retreat or whether you should go for it anyways. On July 3rd you decide to go for it. After all, it’s all in good fun.

Be aware of health flare ups from July 29th to September 2nd. With Mars opposing Neptune, there’s potential for confusion or misdiagnoses with regards to your health. Thankfully, the Mars/Pluto trine on September 6th will help you to get to the bottom of whatever ails, introducing proactive methods you can take to alleviate the situation.

You prefer relying on yourself rather than others, so Ruling Planet Mars in Libra won’t be easy in mid September. Instead of acting of your own volition, you must deal with others’ demands and expectations during this time, making friends with people you don’t like, and wondering what you’re getting out of it. Regardless of the annoyances, this is a good time to see another’s perspective, as you can often be overly confident in your own opinion. October 8th and 9th in particular point to getting a good piece of news through a partner, thereby rewarding your efforts to create alliances.

The Mars/Saturn square on November 10th shows the return of that summertime love story. Although this romance started out as fun and games, your feelings have grown more serious and you hope the other person is on the same page. You recognize that there will be repercussions, but you are willing to face these challenges in pursuit of a deeper commitment by November 17th. Things are looking up in the workplace come December 6th as you finally begin to feel respected by your boss. Uneasy at first in your leadership role, your perseverance pays off when you receive recognition in the form of a raise or promotion.

The final transit of the year is when Mars in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on December 29th, signifying a job well done. You’ve worked hard to overcome many challenges. Although 2021 has been full of tests, your growing confidence in your ability to navigate uncomfortable situations has truly benefited you in the end and you come to appreciate the lessons you’ve learned along the way.