Child of the Moon, you’re as sensitive to the ebbs and flows of invisible energy around you as a fish is to water. But that fish doesn’t know it’s in water! Your immediate involvement in what’s all around you doesn’t really help you develop a healthy perspective. Quite the opposite, in fact. These involuntary emotional responses actually keep you locked in to habitual beliefs and behaviors. This is one way astrology can be so helpful.


You’re involved in several long term processes which are somewhat interlocking. The broadest strokes concern one-to-one relationships. All of yours, professional and personal, must evolve for the better or bite the dust. Not next week, but over a period of about twelve years. You’re in the middle of it now. The essential issues are resources, power and control: who has them, who wants them, and how is the transition handled. Is the exchange of resources and energy balanced in each relationship? Are each person’s contributions correctly valued? And Cancer, are you giving yourself away?

These developments in your relationships have been coupled with a lot of drama in your professional life. It’s been going on since 2010 and by the middle of 2018 it will be over. Not soon enough for you? Tempus fugit, dear Cancer, and before you know it, Shock and Awe will move on to another department of your life. In the meantime, you weather the weekly visits of your Ruling Planet to these zones of your life, because that’s how work gets done; a little at a time. And what choice do you have anyway?

You dream of home improvement, or even moving, but any effort in that area is quickly and summarily upended by more dramatic conditions elsewhere in your life.

A great deal of 2017 is simply showing up for work and taking care of you and yours and the demands of everyday life. There may not be time for much else. The responsibilities of these obligations weigh heavily on you. Importantly, health habits that you establish now will benefit you for years to come. Neglect is not an option. Well, it is, but not a good one. There are significant consequences in either direction; as always, the choice is up to you. Every day. “Habitual Moderation” is an excellent philosophy for Child of the Moon to adopt now and always.

Being a Cancer means being sensitive to the Moon. It changes zodiac signs every couple of days and regularly “converses” with other planets. It has New and Full phases every month. The Moon is constantly doing something. Just like you! The most important Full and New Moons are eclipses; those times when the earth, Moon and Sun line up to hide one from another. Like the ocean tides that rise and fall, eclipses indicate a regular inflow and outflow of energy, people and circumstances.

Three out of four eclipses this year land in your Money Sectors. The area of Income and Resources is amplified, while the sector of Debts is discharged. It’s a mixed bag then, as eclipses often are. More money comes in, but it immediately goes out.

The first of these eclipses occurs February 10 and it is favorable for you. Financial help is available from a supporter at work or at home, due in large part to your own willingness to shoulder much of the burden of labor. It takes a lot of energy to coordinate all the moving parts, and by day’s end, you’re exhausted. You’ll be so absorbed in making this happen that your personal and/or professional relationships may pay the price. Don’t let guilt consume you. Your 100% is truly all you can give. This is a short-lived opportunity.

The second period of activation comes in August. The entire month could be devoted to getting your financial house in order. Although you hate sharing personal information, and perhaps feel that you can make sound decisions in the absence of outside advice, that’s not your best choice. One of the smartest moves you can make is to consult a professional financial advisor. They will help you build a long term money plan that emphasizes saving. Having a healthy bank account is one of the most important ways for Cancer to build a feeling of personal security.

December ushers in a 2.5 year period of re-examination of your partnerships and close contacts. Everything you’ve kept under the surface will rise. You’re developing new Rules for Relationship, and you’ve never been more serious. You’re not willing these days to put up with less than you deserve. Expect a reaction as you assert your new reality and change the paradigm. Don’t be surprised if the response is “What took you so long?” Ultimately, you and your partnerships will change for the better and you will finally get what you deserve.

By Linea Van Horn