Are you ready to go back to the future, Capricorn? This is not a rhetorical question! In 2017, you have several rare opportunities to harvest the best from the past and propel it forward, reinventing it for a whole new purpose. Before you know it, your great idea will be the new normal.

No one can get stuck in yesteryear, yearning for Glory Days better than the Child of Saturn. Capricorn is a conservative sign; not politically, necessarily, but more in the good old-fashioned sense of the word. Professional and businesslike. Cautious. Protective. It conserves, careful with resources, meting them out to make them last. Such qualities are pushed, challenged and turned on their head in today’s topsy-turvy world. This zodiac sign and everything associated with it is undergoing an extended evolution of such intensity, the whole universe seems upside down. If you are a Capricorn born between December 27 – January 12, you could be feeling the effects of this seismic shift in a very personal way this year. Understand that you’re in a once-in-a-lifetime process of utter transformation. So much seems outside your control. Yet life goes on, and often the developments that come are not nearly as scary as you thought they’d be.

For any Capricorn, realize this: So much of what you value can be transformed and repurposed and given a whole new life! The idea is to recognize, adapt and promote the practical, workable parts in a dispassionate way. Some detachment is required, and here’s where Capricorn may run into difficulty, it being one of the more retentive of the zodiac signs. This year, however, several cosmic influences are standing by to assist you in disengaging from your chronic sense of impending doom and attachment to the past. Various events have shocked you out of your complacency, awakened you to the imminent dawn of the future. Rather than react with dread, perceive the opportunity. Lift off the blinders. Don’t be quite so risk-adverse, Capricorn! A whole new world awaits you! 2017 opens under this influence, and it recurs in March and in November before the door snaps shut. Quantum leaps are possible and you don’t want to miss your chance.

You prefer to keep home and work separate but that won’t be possible from March 4 – April 15. Either you’ll be accessing job-related documents in your home office or complications at home interfere at your job. Guests and loved ones come and go over your doorstep, tracking in dirt. Patience, dear Cappie. This is a temporary interruption.

You firmly draw a line in the sand between May 25 – June 16. Some young upstart — a whippersnapper! A grasshopper! — dares to challenges you, your leadership or your authority. Or even worse: they attack everything you’ve ever stood for. They’re calling YOU the enemy! This gets under your skin more than you’d like to admit. Your response is pure Capricorn: Clamp down. Assert the rules and regulations. There are precedents and you have history on your side. No doubt you’ll prevail, but you’re unnerved.

The end of August indicates a financial change of direction for you thanks to a major eclipse in your Sector of Shared Resources. You could potentially take on a financial expenditure now, so let this information guide decisions earlier in the year. Events that affect taxes, insurance settlements, inheritances or other forms of unearned income can occur. These developments can be positive, negative or a combination of both. In any event, if you have not done so already, get your financial documents in order. Have those difficult discussions with loved ones, and get your end-of-life and medical directives on file, even if you are very young. Use this eclipse to take care of business. It’s the responsible thing to do, and Capricorn is nothing if not responsible.

In August and September, Capricorn enjoys an extended favorable combination of influences which bring professional success, expanded recognition and “real world” acknowledgment. Changing conditions have brought you friends in high places, and you stand to mutually benefit from your association. Utilize this knowledge to your advantage by working during the first part of the year to position yourself to take advantage of the opportunities when they arise! Keep everything on the up and up though, because remember, truth will out.

The year ends quite dramatically for Capricorn. Your Ruling Planet Saturn changes signs on December 19, which only happens once every 2.5 years. This shift is particularly significant for you, because Saturn is entering his home turf Capricorn, your very own sign! He’ll continue to polish you into the diamond you’re becoming from the end of 2017 to December 2020.

Do yourself a big favor and take a break from work for the last week of 2017. Spend some quality time with yourself and your favorite humans and animals. Rest and recuperate. Fill your reservoirs. This will help you face 2018 with greater calm, grace and strength. You’re going to need it, Capricorn, because you’re going to be in big demand!

By Linea Van Horn