Taurus is the most magnetic sign of the zodiac. Kinetically and energetically, you attract things to you. It’s no different in 2017. It’s just that this year, you’re going to have to wait for it. And wait! Good thing Taurus is known for being patient, and methodically plugging along even in the face of turnarounds, delays and changes of plan. These ARE going to happen during the first half of the year. Hang in there, Child of Venus. In October, there’s a high likelihood that the very thing you want, or a close approximation, will be yours. You’ll remember the old adage about being careful what you ask for.

In January, though, you won’t know any of this. You’re still in a fantastic dream about all the love, money and wonderful things this year will bring to you and yours. The first reality check arrives at the end of the month. Maybe your beloved is far away physically or distant emotionally, so you are lonely. Feeling connected is a vulnerable area for you right now. Perhaps you’re feeling a little uncertain about your appearance or circumstances and this makes you more sensitive to slight. Then, the last week of January, financial or other obligations arise which are sure to drain your energy and resources. You can clearly see a delay the fulfillment of your desires, whatever they are. All the fun and joy seem to be temporarily sucked out of them.

You enter strange territory from February 2 all the way until June 7. Overnight, you become a loner. Then, you suddenly forget how to act. You’re forward when you ought to be still, and you hang back when you should be assertive. These missed marks are augmented by a haunting feeling that important things are going on behind closed doors that somehow involve you, but you’re not involved. Strange dreams wake you up at night. A long lost lover may reappear, and you’re forcibly reminded why it’s been eight years since you last had contact. Your Ruling Planet Venus actually goes backward, or Retrograde, from March 4 until April 15, and you may have a similar change of heart or position during that period. This is a poor time to start a relationship or to make permanent decisions that affect an existing one.

Helping hands are available in March 9 – April 21 that help you endure and achieve. Plan on being productive and focused on your body, self and work despite disruption in other areas. This is not sinful or selfish, but a necessary component of handling your responsibilities properly. Issues that began back in January reemerge with vigor April 8 – 21 and won’t be ignored. Though painful, working methodically and doggedly through the problems will produce a workable solution. Taurus excels at this process.

Pay particular attention from May 19 – 25. Unfortunately, unconscious behavior on your part is likely. Be very careful not to manipulate conditions or persons at your place of employment by doing anything secretive, subversive, clandestine, behind another’s back or “accidentally on purpose.” Not only will this backfire on you, it could also cause a fall from grace up at headquarters.

Finally, on June 7, your Ruling Planet moves into more favorable territory. You start to feel like your good old comfortable self again. Although Taurus generally likes “terra firma” and doesn’t stray far from the farm, the last two weeks of June provide the most powerful, enriching time for long-distance travel this year. In fact, a trip at this time could ultimately trigger a permanent shift in your values. Are you ready for an upgrade?

The last two weeks of August are potentially quite important for the Child of Venus. An enormous eclipse on August 21 lands directly in your 4th House of Home and Family. Effects could be far-reaching, including births and deaths in the family, gaining or losing a home or property, and other life-affecting activity. It’s not so much positive and negative as it is flowing in or flowing out. Think of it that way, and it will be easier to let go of things that are ready to leave your life. This makes room for the wonderful new things that are coming in. Be not afraid, Taurus.

Finally, at the beginning of October, that thing you’ve been pining for since January is yours. And almost immediately you’re like, “Eeeew. Yuck. This is NOT what I thought.” Now, of course, you’re stuck with it, at least until October 14, your first opportunity to make a graceful exit. Which you make every attempt to do.

From October 15 – November 8 you’re in your element at work. This is your best chance for success if you want to upgrade conditions for you and your coworkers. Right now you have the support and protection of a well-positioned superior. Know what you want, present it in a pretty package, be willing to negotiate, and your chances of success are stratospheric.

Partners and shared resources are your chief concerns in November and December, and in life, actually. What seems at first to be a pipe dream becomes solid reality by year’s end when you sign on the dotted line, taking on a whole new purpose and commitment. No one can work harder than you to make that happen, Taurus.

By Linea Van Horn