Life could be quite the rodeo ride for Aquarius in 2018. The question is, will you be the cowboy or will you be the bull? There’s so much going on for you this year! One of your Ruling Planets, Saturn, has just changed zodiac signs and the other one, Uranus, is about to. Plus, there’s a months-long highly active situation in your own sign, so conditions in your life are definitely shifting. Aquarius is one of the Fixed zodiac signs, a group whose very job is to resist change. So the idea that there could be a deviation from your established routine is not exactly music to your ears. Your first response is to throw a blanket over any data or evidence that suggests it might actually already be happening. Eventually, however, circumstances will corral you, and there will be no denying it. Let’s take a look.

Your chief Ruling Planet, Uranus, spends seven years in one zodiac sign before moving on to the next, a change that is on the verge of happening. Uranus is a destabilizing force, one that that brings eye-opening changes of circumstances that almost always turn out to be beneficial or liberating (even emancipating) in some way. It’s been in the forceful, pushy sign of Aries since early 2011, activating your Solar Third House of Siblings and Neighbors. This is a good time to look back review how things have changed in that department of your life over the last few years. Can you recall surprising or even shocking events or revelations that caused your views to shift? Angry incidents? Have there been separations, alienations or family-rocking 23-and-Me results? Now, your Ruling Planet is testing the waters – soil, actually — of the next zodiac sign before moving there for good in March 2019.

The next step for Uranus is the zodiac sign of Taurus, a grounded, practical and thoroughly stubborn influence. For you, this occurs in your Solar Fourth House of Home and Family. While here (for seven years, remember, starting from next year), he’s sure to shake things up in that area, the very foundation of your horoscope. This year, there may only be rumblings. Don’t delude yourself that they’ll go away. They’re only the beginning of the earthquake that is to come. Rather than panicking about the possible loss, visualize the potential future. Be ready to let things go, freeing up mental, spiritual, emotional and even physical space.

Never a warm and fuzzy sign, Aquarius is being seriously triggered this year by Mars, the Planet of War, who lingers in this zone from May to November. During this time, your Solar First House of Self is occupied by an armed, uniformed soldier (metaphorically speaking, of course). Without even realizing it, you come on stronger than you mean to, potentially annoying or aggravating other people. You feel defensive, easily offended. You don’t know why but when others don’t see your way, you see red. You have lots more physical energy than usual, which is best deployed in a vigorous exercise program. Always ahead of the game in the opinion department, you now express your views with vigor. Consequences be damned, full speed ahead!

These two areas of your life – a shifting home/family zone, and your temporary Inner Warrior – are going to butt heads and create tension and even strife in your life at predictable times in 2018: May 12 – 16, and the weeks from August 1 – September 10. Your efforts to exert independence and self-determination are met with resistance from the home front. You’re certainly not going down without a fight, and your ferocity is a real surprise to yourself and others. Who knew you had it in you?! When you’re mad enough, you can really make an impact! When you need a break from all that angst, do it with humor. No one sees the funny, unique side of things like Aquarius; if those in your immediate surrounding don’t appreciate your offbeat sense of humor, save it for social media. Plenty of folks there will.

The eclipses of 2018 continue to highlight the Self-Other continuum in your horoscope, occurring in the zodiac signs of Aquarius and its opposite Leo. Both signs are quite self-involved, but Aquarius wants freedom and Leo wants attention. Can you say “uncomfortable dynamic?” The eclipses have been bringing your attention to this tennis match, showing that you can’t have one without the other, and helping you find that sweet spot in the middle.

Best life advice for you in 2018, Aquarius? Stick up for yourself but be aware of social cues that you may be coming on too strong. Trot out your sense of humor sooner rather than later and show off your mental pizzazz. The world sorely needs it!

By Linea Van Horn