You’ll be fearless on behalf of your friends in 2018 but a challenge to be around. Your Ruling Planet Mars spends eight months in one zodiac sign; the social, detached yet idealistic sign of Aquarius. That’s unusual, and when Mars spends this long in one place, it will definitely be retrograde for several weeks, bringing Mars themes to the fore. Mark your calendar for June 26 through August 27; the peak date is July 26. Aquarius is a very independent sign which, when worn like a cloak over your feisty Aries personality, can transform you into either a freedom fighter or a willful teenager.

You’ll have all kinds of choices (aka tests) this year to demonstrate whether you know the difference. Your resistance to being tied down is intense; indeed you could be termed a “flight risk.” Plus, you’ll be challenged by the rebellious and detached planet Uranus, to which your Ruling Planet will be having a series of difficult “discussions” peaking in May, August and September. During these months, you might feel impatient, irritable or even disruptive. You may get easily involved in arguments, butting heads with others who don’t share your ideas. You’ll assert yourself unexpectedly. If you yourself are calm and tranquil (right!) then others in your environment will display these erratic qualities for you. This is an unsettled energy, lively and supercharged. Hurrying can lead to accidents, so strive to be super aware when driving, walking or navigating through crowds. Put that device away! Be careful around electronic equipment in general, as you are prone now to power surges and hot connections. The sign Aquarius and the planet Uranus govern the area of technology, and this year it’s crucial that you demonstrate its proper use. Keep these suggestions in mind all the way until November, because it’s not until then that both Mars (your Ruling Planet) and Uranus (in your zodiac sign of Aries) change signs, bringing a change of conditions.

Much of the action this year occurs in your Solar Eleventh House of Friends, so go out of your way to make new ones. There’s an increased importance and value in your connections with like-minded people, including but not limited to social media. Not only can you can have a lot of fun with folks who see things the same way as you, but with the “greater good” mentality of Aquarius, these groups can accomplish so much! Think of crowd funding, micro-banking, and other technology-based financial instruments that open up business opportunities in developing countries. Or medical advances using alternative technology. Extreme sports, if you are very athletic, that stretch the boundaries of human ability. Finding others with similar interests and endeavors strengthens the bonds of our global village.

If you’re going to push limits and extend boundaries, do it before mid-May. That’s when the rebel planet Uranus ventures out of your sign Aries where he’s been since early 2011. Since then he’s emancipated you in some way, freed you of some binding circumstance or situation. The effect is shocking but usually ultimately beneficial. A change is afoot, however. This year, he’s dipping his toe into the next energetic pool from May 15 – November 6: the zodiac sign of Taurus. While there, he’ll have a harder time expressing his volatile self. So Uranus wants to have as much impact as possible now, while he can, and he’ll do that through you.

There are other events for you in 2018, Aries. In fact, the year starts off with an eye-popping event or circumstance at work which demands all your attention there. With Saturn, the Planet of Duty and Responsibility, newly ensconced in your Solar Tenth House of Profession for the next 2.5 years, workplace demands could prioritize themselves in your life logistics in the foreseeable future. Perhaps you’ll finally learn to pace yourself, to avoid being so exhausted from work that you have no time or energy left for yourself.

Communication Planet Mercury goes retrograde in your sign from March 22 – April 15. This helps when gathering documents for your looming tax deadline, which you’ve postponed until the last possible moment, as usual. The area of romance gets a little dicey from October 5 – November 16 when Love Planet Venus turns retrograde, affecting joint financial affairs as well as your relationship itself. This is a poor time to make any permanent or unilateral decisions about your primary relationship. Instead, try to come to a meeting of the minds. Also in mid November, the tide turns as Your Ruling Planet Mars finally moves out of Aquarius into the next field of action. And then, on New Year’s Eve, Mars moves into Aries, your own sign, and the universe gifts you with exactly the energetic burst you need to end this memorable year with a bang!
By Linea Van Horn