You’ll need the grace, agility and balance of a tightrope walker this year as you manage your life from several different high wire platforms. Handily, as a Libra, these qualities come naturally to you. Still, you could be quite dizzy by the end of the year after its various demands have hurled you from one part of the arena to another. Make sure your harness is securely strapped!

The year opens with loud cries from your Solar Fourth House of Home and Family. Whether it’s your parents, offspring, extended family member or your actual place of residence, your attention is demanded there. You can’t escape so don’t even think of it. Not only that, even though the immediate crisis dissipates by month’s end,  the situation is not going away any time soon. Truth be told, conditions there have been deteriorating or at least too demanding for a long time. It’s getting a lot worse now, though, and there’s no avoiding a more permanent solution than the one you’ve been limping along with. Figuring it all out will be the ongoing project that provides structure and continuity this year. Gathering options won’t be the problem: landing on one of them will. Remember that not to decide is to decide not to. Don’t let circumstance dictate your life choices.

Curious about your relationships this year, Libra? No, that’s not some sort of snarky, half astral question. Truly, things have been in such upheaval in that department for the past several years that you don’t even remember what normal is anymore. Take heart. The disruptive influence you’ve been dealing with is beginning to move on, and for half of this year, from May to November, it won’t even BE in your Solar Seventh House of Relationship anymore. Huzzah!

Not that your marriage or partnership goes perfectly or that things are smooth and controversy-free. Nope. The heavens dictate against that, because Venus and Mars, the planets associated with women, men, romance and sex, are both going retrograde this year. In your case, this correspondence is doubly strong, since you are a Child of Venus, and therefore Mars is the overt symbol of your mate.  He appears to be quite restless this year, if the stars are correct. He’s in a place of lusting for more freedom, and could be rather cold and detached from you throughout the summer and fall (especially when retrograde June 26 – August 27). Tensions build up at predictable times: May 15-16, the first of August, and September 10), and things could get quite stressful. Don’t take it too personally because it’s really not about you. Counter-intuitively, the best way to reach him is to detach a little yourself. Take a weekend away with girlfriends or your kids. Have playful dates and enjoy a good laugh. Encourage him to have friends. Give him some room to move and by year’s end, he’ll be better behaved.

Single Libras could see a lot of dating action this year, although there are some calendar dates to avoid, unless you happen to like aggravating romantic encounters. Your Solar Fifth House of Romance is stimulated by Mars from May until November which brings a lot of action and a certain amount of stress to this area. There are several “avoid” dates to work around: a few days on either side of Mars changes of direction on June 26 and August 27, and certain times when tension runs high: May 15-16, the first of August, and September 10. The rest of the time, the dates you do go on should be fun, athletic or academic. Lob out suggestions and practice asserting what YOU would like to do. Group dates or just going out with friends also fills the bill here. Social activities can bring you romance so accept invitations even if you don’t particularly feel like going. You could be rewarded!

Later in the year, your own Ruling Planet Venus goes backward herself from October 5 – November 16. Once bitten, twice shy, perhaps, or a sense of recoiling from the scorpion’s sting. Very possibly, financial considerations are involved. Two money themes are at work here, because the Santa Claus planet Jupiter has recently entered your Solar Second House of Resources, which is known to increase income. He will be enriching you until November of this year, and you may decide that you want to keep it all for yourself. While Venus is retrograde, you make it so, an act of self-empowerment. Meanwhile, just make sure you don’t spend everything that comes in, or more. With Jupiter in the Second, living beyond your means is a real danger. It’s also the very best time to establish a savings account to fund your future.
By Linea Van Horn