The ground begins to settle beneath your feet, Pisces. The shift this year from the inspiring but unstable Fire signs of the zodiac to the more practical, reality-driven Earth signs is a good one for you. Your friends will be particularly helpful and stabilizing, even if you have to take some of them in small doses. As the year opens, there are a whopping six planets in the Solar Eleventh House of Friends and Associations, drawing your attention there. If you are a member of a club, organization or other group, consider stepping up to (or perhaps down from) a leadership position. These associations are ripe for a change, and you may as well help steer them in the right direction, what with your incredible vision for the future. As long as you set strict limits on the amount of time and energy you’re willing to donate to your cause, contributing to the upkeep and maintenance of such a group will fulfill your need for selfless service. If you’re going to give till you bleed, it may as well be for a good cause.

Like a celestial rainbow arching over your life, your two Ruling Planets Neptune and Jupiter form a stable, smooth Trine aspect for most of this year, joining your Solar First House of Self and the Solar Ninth House of Travel, Law and Philosophy. It’s uplifting and inspiring. Your psychic and intuitive capacity skyrockets as if the cosmos has given you your own private phone line. It works both directions, too. Your big dreams to change the world suddenly seem more possible than ever before, since you’ve got the attention of the gods. From your mouth to their ear, as the old saying goes. Now is the time to operate with faith. That connection you’re feeling is not imaginary. As long as you are acting with the best intentions for all, and to harm none, benefit will flow from your highest aspirations and most profound perceptions. Your soul reaches new depths and scales unknown heights this year. You’re growing into a bigger person.

The period from May 20 – July 22 should be particularly fruitful for you, as several planets saunter through your Solar Fifth House of Children and Pleasure. This creates what’s called a Grand Water Trine with your Ruling Planets and causes a big cleansing whoosh to circulate in your horoscope. This is a superb time to schedule in a vacation or even work-related travel, creative projects, adventures with children or any type of social event. Whatever you choose, wherever your direct your energy, things really move along. So make it good, Pisces! Make it matter.

You’re one who needs plenty of time alone, and in 2018, you may have to fight for your space. What an oxymoron! Warrior Planet Mars will be in your Solar Twelfth House of Retreat from May to November, bringing an extended brusque presence there. There’s an intrusion into your private zone, and it annoys you. Sleep could be disrupted, or your dreams more active or disturbing. You feel more irritable and sensitive and can’t sort out why. There could be a haunting feeling that others are working against you behind your back but you can’t find any evidence, really, to support it. It’s “just a feeling” but you know by now that those types of feelings are rarely wrong.

In mid-May, a development in your neighborhood or disturbing news from or about a sibling creates even more disruption in your need for solitude. The drama continues to unfold and the weeks from August 1 – September 10 could be particularly gnarly. Much of it is out of your hands, so it’s not that anything you do could even be particularly effective. It’s just the aggravation of it all, and how powerless you feel in this situation. By November, it recedes into the background, at least for the moment.

Venus, the Planet of Love and Money, has a special relationship with folks born under Pisces. You might say she “likes” you. So it’s of note that she will be retrograde this year from October 5 – November 16. This activates two areas of your chart, the Solar Ninth House of Travel and Law and the Solar Eight House of Shared Resources. If you’ve been expecting a financial settlement, income from taxes, trust or an inheritance, this is the most likely time for it to land in your wallet. Conversely, if you need to get your own will, beneficiaries, and other financial affairs and legal documents in order, now is the time to do it.

November brings forward motion. Your Ruling Planet Neptune moves ahead after months of backpedaling, and you can hitch a ride on his coattails. Action Planet Mars moves through your sign from November 15 – New Year’s Eve, bringing a surge of energy, drive and purpose to all Children of Neptune. Onward and upward, Pisces!

By Linea Van Horn