Does it feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders, Child of Jupiter? Do you have a new lightness of being and sense of freedom? You can thank Saturn for that. He’s been grinding through your zodiac sign of Sagittarius for the past couple of years, bringing lots of responsibility your way. Yes, you can pat him on the back as you show him the door, closing it firmly behind him, and breathe a sigh of relief that he won’t be in your sign again for another twenty eight years. It’s been far too serious a time. Depressing, actually, and that’s not something you ordinarily do. So that new lighter feeling is a real thing, and a welcome one.

Not that Saturn’s gone far. Now he’s trudging through your Solar Second House of Money, and in January, when you have six (!) planets there, your financial statements trigger a “Yikes!” from you. Time to realign your budget and get the savings program in order. That fab future in your head is going to need funding. Plenty of it. Saturn in the Second reminds you that saving for tomorrow is not rhetorical. The next two years is THE time to lay the foundation for your financial future. If you’re in debt, make a detailed plan to pay it off within this time framework if not before. Make a visual of your progress, like a gold star for every $100 you pay down, to help you feel rewarded and on track. Once that goal is accomplished, use the same money every month to enrich your savings. Obviously you’re going to tighten your belt. Consolidate your affairs, get beneficiaries and other details in order, and simplify. Make this area of your life work like a well oiled machine.

Your Ruling Planet Jupiter is moving through your Solar Twelfth House of Solitude until November. This is a signal to give yourself plenty time alone. In times past, this was the house of convents and monasteries. Perhaps you can fit in a retreat to one of those this year, but it would be more ideal if you could create a private nook in your own home where you can withdraw from the world. There’s a deep, spiritual, private investigation going on. It may be so inaccessible that you find it only in the dream world, or when you are meditating or in other sacred space. You’re much more easily transported to these states now than normal, becoming entranced by drumming or chanting, say, or easily hypnotized. In fact there could be quite a spiritual awakening if you can quiet your mind enough to listen to the wakeup call. You have a mystical yearning, a desire to find the divine and an increased capacity to see it in everyone. The veil will be particularly thin when your Ruling Planet changes directions on March 8 and again on July 10.  This is a good time for philanthropy and a bad time for gambling. You’re too gullible!

Neighbors or siblings could really get on your nerves from May through November. The aggressive, masculine planet Mars lingers in this area of your horoscope, the Solar Third House, including a retrograde period from June 26 – August 27. It seems that the problems with others are not solved with the first attempt. There’s some back and forth. Arguing, perhaps, or rattling of sabers. Matters of principle are involved; a heated attachment to ideals and the willingness to go to bat for one’s convictions. Issues peak on July 26. Try to keep your cool without becoming an Ice Queen. Take the high road.

There could be actual “incidents, accidents, hints or allegations” on May 14-15, August 1 or September 10. The aforementioned issue in your neighborhood or family impacts your job. Things are not feeling particularly stable there at the moment, anyway. Not that there’s anything immediate to worry about, probably, but the last thing you need is interference from someone else. Or for that person to drive you to make an impulsive decision that you regret later. Hold your ground. Remember that Alone Space you created earlier in the year? Utilize it. Withdraw. Turn off your devices and take a break from social media. What’s at stake? Only your sanity, Sadge. Don’t let the bastards get you down.

There’s a change of scenery in November when six planets change either direction or zodiac sign. Among them is Mercury, which goes retrograde in your sign from November 16 – December 6. This gives you a chance to pause and catch your breath before the year’s end. But most importantly, your Ruling Planet Jupiter moves into Sagittarius, it’s own sign and that of your birth on November 8. This fills your sails for the last several weeks of 2018, and gives you something to look forward to as you navigate the previous months. The year ends on a high note!

By Linea Van Horn