Ah, dear Taurus. You’re famous for your resistance to the ch-word; change. All that is about to change (no pun intended!) this year as the rebel planet Uranus takes a test drive in your sign from May 15 – November 6. This pokey planet spends 84 years going around the zodiac, so it’s not often that he visits your area. And when he does, he shakes things up. That is his nature. Uranus does not merely liberate: he emancipates.

So we have an irresistible force (a planet, in this case) against an unmovable object (you). In the end, change is inevitable, even for a Taurus, but in the meantime, you’ll put up a mighty fight.

The struggle will be most intense in May and again in August through mid-September. You’re going to feel increasingly uncomfortable with a situation that involves the energetic between a) you, b) your partner and/or c) your work. You’re waking up fast to the fact that you’ve been putting up with way too much for way too long. No one can stay in a situation far past its best-used-by date better than you, Taurus. Well, world, a new day has dawned! Let them watch as you become just as willful as that man you’ve been supporting or the boss you’ve been protecting. Oh, others will be shocked, no doubt, when you refuse to play along any more. But part of you is beyond caring, so when the next opportunity comes for you to assert your own agency, you grab it. Hang on to that golden ring, because in a few short months, it will be yours!

There are several important factors operating on the relationship scene for you this year, Child of Venus. The aforementioned Uranus entering your sign and tarrying in your Solar First House for the next seven years shows that you will be changing massively on a personal level. Not all at once, but still, this will inevitably alter your closest relationships. You have feared to disrupt the dance but now you won’t be able to help it. You’re determined to follow your own course. Your strongest relationships will not only withstand your growth, but will easily recalibrate to accept it and be improved by it. Rigid or oblivious partners and superiors will be shown the door, or at least will not be getting the same old you. There are some things that you just won’t do anymore. Either they will adjust, or certain logistics of your partnership will evolve to a new normal.

The impetuous and self-involved planet Mars is the Ruler of your Seventh House of Relationship and will give you a heads up about how your partner might behave. As it turns out, Mars is going retrograde from June 27 to August 27, and this could show your partner going similarly haywire. Your hubby is pretty much doing just what he wants. Right out there in public, too. It doesn’t make you look good, and there’s nothing you hate more! Your aggravation grows, peaking on July 26.

Other cosmic factors must be considered, too. As a Taurus, your Ruling Planet is Venus, so we carefully observe this planet’s activity to judge how things will go for you. Once every eighteen months or so, she goes retrograde, and this can impact relationships not just for you but for everyone. She will be retrograde this year from October 5 through November 16. This time around, it will occur in your Solar Seventh House of Relationship, so it’s a “double dose” of focus on partners and partnerships this autumn. The peak of this period is from October 20 – 30 when a shocking experience or revelation alters your fundamental perception of self and others. It’s a real eye-opener! Nothing will be the same moving forward. And later, when you look back on this tumult, you’ll be glad it happened. But at first you will be stunned.

You have a professional life, too, and a family. These are the areas of your life that continue to be affected by eclipses, those harbingers of change, for the second year in a row. The effect is strongest from January 31 – February 15 and again from July 22 – August 11. As matters in your home life increase – a new baby or grandbaby, perhaps, or upgrades to your living situation – they lighten up a little at work. Everything in balance, and there’s only so much of you. If you’re released from a project or certain professional duties, let it go gracefully, and be grateful. Fewer tasks is actually better for you. More energy for yourself, and when you’re revolutionizing your life, you need every bit you can get.

Come November, your year has been so topsy turvy that by the time your Ruling Planet turns direct on the 16th, you’ll be ready for the shift forward, and anticipating what’s ahead. Finally, Taurus, you’ll be ready to hit the restart button of your life.
By Linea Van Horn